Invoice Line Items

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Invoice Line Items




Each row includes a series of icons:



Line Detail

1.Click to display the Line Item Edit window similar to the following:
Descriptions display in the coding section and update when you make coding changes.
The fields that display here include custom fields that are created on the desktop in pVault®. For details on creating custom fields, click here.


2.Revise line item fields as necessary.

3.If necessary, click the lookup icon, eInvoicelookupicon-mh, to access an associated list.
A window similar to the following displays:
Editing lines will collect the changes you make as you make them. You will be required to Save or you may perform a toolbar action on an invoice. If you leave the page without saving, your changes will systematically be changed.

4.Once changes are made and the Line Item Detail window is closed, the following row is added to the top of the Invoice Details window:
Note: A temporary Save Invoice icon, eInvoiceLineItemcodingchangesmadetemporarySaveicon-mh, displays in the Invoice Details window row of icons (upper right).

5.Click the Show Changes icon, eInvoiceLineItemcodingchangesmadeviewchangesicon-mh , to view the coding changes.
An Invoice Changes dialog box similar to the following displays:

6.To cancel a single change, if multiple changes display on the Invoice Changes dialog box, click the eInvoiceLineItemInvoiceChangesdialogtrashicon-mh icon for the associated row.
If all the changes reflected in this Invoice Changes dialog box should be canceled, click eInvoiceLineItemInvoiceChangesdialogCANCELCHANGESbutton-mh.
If all the changes reflected in this Invoice Changes dialog box should be saved, click eInvoiceLineItemInvoiceChangesdialogSAVEbutton-mh.
Note:  If you click CLOSE to close the Invoice Changes dialog box, the message that Your invoice has 2 coding changes remains as does the temporary Save Invoice icon, eInvoiceLineItemcodingchangesmadetemporarySaveicon-mh.

Important: User must have the following Additional Option checked to perform this function: Allow Reviewer Edit Invoice


Change Line Type

1.Click to display the Change Line Type window similar to the following:
The current line type displays.

2.Use the dropdown to select a new line type.

3.Click UPDATE to save changes or click CANCEL to leave the window without saving changes.

Important: User must have the following Additional Option checked to perform this function: Allow Reviewer Change Line Type


Split Line

1.Click to display the Split Line window similar to the following:

2.Make the necessary changes to split lines appropriately.

3.Click SPLIT to save changes and execute the split or click CANCEL to leave the window without saving changes.

Important: User must have the following Additional Option checked to perform this function: Allow Reviewer Split Invoice Lines


To approve the invoice line items, click the Approve icon, eInvoiceApproveicon-mh, located in the top right of the screen.

To reject the invoice line items, click the Reject icon, eInvoiceRejecticon-mh, located in the top right of the screen.

Note: Depending on the accounting system, if the Require Invoice Reject Notes Advanced Bridge setting is set to True (this is the default setting), a Reject Invoice Note window will display and a note will be required before the invoice can be rejected.



Custom Fields


When you add a custom field to an invoice header or invoice line, it will now display on the portal.

