Why use APFlow™?
Time and money. Bridging your accounting software with Paperless Environment's APFlow™ module can drastically improve invoice approval turnaround time and reduce the cost of invoice processing. The APFlow™ module enables pVault® users to enter, route, approve and export accounts payable invoices into their accounting systems--all in a paperless environment. Invoices can be tracked throughout the workflow, ensuring no invoices are inadvertently overlooked. Create invoice routing rules here that systematically send invoices to specified reviewers for coding and approval, or route invoices manually. Rules can be assigned based on any field found on the invoice including vendor number, inventory location, dollar value, etc. Add notes--either in plain text or HTML--to further communicate with Processors and Approvers and to provide archival records. Important events during the workflow are tracked through alerts and audit logs. Additionally, users can assign and complete issues with invoices. Supporting documents such as purchase orders, receiving tickets and receipts can be attached to invoices for easy retrieval using the Document Match module. Aging and drilldown reports can be run to give Processors an overall view of the status of invoices being routed through the system and audit trails so that each step of the process is well documented. Beyond all this functionality, you can even customize APFlow™ with additional fields and validations rules to better align with your company needs.