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Sage 300 CRE Reports

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In addition to the Universal reports (Reports List), the following reports are specific to Sage 300 CRE:


Sage 300 CRE Invoice Export Reconciliation


This report lists, by vendor, those invoices that were exported from pVault® but are cannot be located in Sage 300 CRE within a certain date range. The report identifies the invoice number, the invoice total and the export batch number.

Use this report to reconcile invoices exported from pVault® but are not yet visible in Sage 300 CRE.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.

Beginning Export Date

This report will run for the beginning export date entered.

Ending Export Date

This report will run for the ending export date entered.



Sage 300 CRE Job Cost Summary Report


This report is for job costs tracking. This allows project managers to track what they have spent by job.

Use this report to track job costs.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the vault number entered.

Beginning Job

This report will run for the beginning job entered.

Ending Job

This report will run for the ending job entered.



Version 2024.01.36 3/11/2025
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