AP Check Review Sidebar

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AP Check Review Sidebar


The AP Check Review sidebar includes information about checks and the checking accounts from which those checks were drawn, identifies checks and the invoice (and vendors) those checks paid, as well as documents associated with specific invoices.

View By field options available in the dropdown list are based on the bridged accounting system. The one universal View By option is Check Number Range.


The following is an example of the AP Check Review sidebar.

Note:  pVault® "remembers" which View By choice was selected and that is the blank sidebar that displays the next time the AP Check Review sidebar is accessed.





View By: Check Number Range


Click the field lookup to access a list of bank accounts.
The bank name will display to the right.


This is where to enter the check range.


Click Retrieve. All checks within that check range for the selected bank will display in the pane.
For example:
In this pane, sort the displayed information by clicking on any of the column headings.
In this example, the information is displayed based on the check amount.
For the highlighted row, the vendor name and address display below the pane.
Scroll through the pane entries by clicking on the arrows that display immediately below the pane.

Click Filter: Off to access an Advanced Filters dialog box. Enter a specific Vendor and/or Amount ranges:
Enter the information in the Advanced Filters dialog box and click OK.
The check pane will populate based on the filter information and the Filter: Off button will display as: Filter: On.

Compliance Check

Click here for Compliance Check details.

Invoices for Check

For the highlighted check number in the top pane, the invoice(s) paid with that check will display in this pane.

Associated Documents

For the highlighted invoice, any documents related to that invoice display in this pane; specifically:

Non AP Invoice documents that match the check number and bank account of the current selection.

Non AP Invoice documents that have the current AP Unapproved Invoice ID of the current selection.

Non AP Invoice documents that have the current vendor/invoice number of the current selection.

Important: Index level security and groups will filter any documents that would otherwise display but do not because the user does not have the security permissions to view them.

Click an invoice document entry to open in a new window. The following read only window displays:
This allows you to view the document in a new, separate screen, so you can review it while continuing to work in pVault®.


For the highlighted associated document, the individual who approved the associated document is listed in this pane.
The Status Date column entry reflects the date approved.


Below the Reviewers pane, any notes for the highlighted invoice will display with the most recent note displaying first.



View By: Marked for Payment

Vendor / Amount

Those vendors marked for payment are listed in the top pane of the AP Check Review sidebar along with each vendor's payment amount.


Based on the highlighted vendor, the invoices scheduled to be paid display in the second pane.
For example:
In this pane, sort the displayed information by clicking on any of the column headings. In this example, the information is displayed based on the selected vendor and invoice number.

If this invoice has been marked for payment in error, click the Unmark Invoice for Payment icon, APCheckReviewSidebarMarkedforPaymentUnmarkicon-mh. A prompt similar to the following will display to verify that the action was made intentionally:

Click Yes to remove the invoice before the check is generated or click No to allow the payment process to proceed.

Note:  Multiple invoices (with separate sequence numbers) may be paid on the same check.


For the highlighted vendor in the top pane, the invoice(s) marked for payment will display in this pane.
Note:  Multiple invoices (with separate sequence numbers) may be paid on the same check.

Associated Documents

1.Click a document highlighted in the Associated Documents pane. These are documents related to the highlighted invoice.

2.Click Expands, CheckReviewsidebarAssociatedDocumentsExpandbutton-mh.
The highlighted associated document will display in a separate window. The provides the ability to look at receipts or other documents associated with the highlighted invoice.
If no associated documents display, the Expand button is not active.


Note: This pop-out window includes the same information as the Search screen.


For the highlighted associated document, the individual who approved the associated document is listed in this pane.
The Status Date column entry reflects the date approved.


Below the Reviewers pane, any notes for the highlighted invoice will display with the most recent note displaying first.



View By: Check Batch


Use the Lookup to access the AP Check Batches.
The batch Month displays to the right.


Click Retrieve. All payments within that batch will display in the pane.
For example:
In this pane, sort the displayed information by clicking on any of the column headings. In this example, the information is displayed based on the check amount.
For the highlighted row, the vendor name and address display below the pane.
Scroll through the pane entries by clicking on the arrows that display immediately below the pane.

Click Filter: Off to access an Advanced Filters search dialog box. Enter a specific Vendor and/or Amount ranges:
Enter the information in the Advanced Filters dialog box and click OK.
The check pane will populate based on the filter information and the Filter: Off button will display as: Filter: On.

Compliance Check

Click here for Compliance Check details.

Invoices for Sequence (batch)

For the highlighted batch sequence in the top pane, the invoice(s) paid in that batch will display in this pane.
The Sequence number reflects the order in which the invoices were paid.
Note:  Multiple invoices (with separate sequence numbers) may be paid on the same check.

Associated Documents

For the highlighted invoice, any documents related to that invoice display in this pane.


For the highlighted associated document, the individual who approved the associated document is listed in this pane.
The Status Date column entry reflects the date approved.


Below the Reviewers pane, any notes for the highlighted invoice will display with the most recent note displaying first.



View By: Electronic Payment

Bank Account

Use the Lookup to access the Bank Accounts.


Use the Lookup to access the EFT Batches.


Click Retrieve. All payments within that batch will display in the pane.
For example:
In this pane, sort the displayed information by clicking on any of the column headings. In this example, the information is displayed based on the check amount.
For the highlighted row, the vendor name and address display below the pane.
Scroll through the pane entries by clicking on the arrows that display immediately below the pane.

Click Filter: Off to access an Advanced Filters search dialog box. Enter a specific Vendor and/or Amount ranges:
Enter the information in the Advanced Filters dialog box and click OK.
The check pane will populate based on the filter information and the Filter: Off button will display as: Filter: On.

Compliance Check

Click here for Compliance Check details.

Invoices for Sequence (batch)

For the highlighted batch sequence in the top pane, the invoice(s) paid in that batch will display in this pane.
The Sequence number reflects the order in which the invoices were paid.
Note:  Multiple invoices (with separate sequence numbers may be paid on the same check.

Associated Documents

For the highlighted invoice, any documents related to that invoice display in this pane.


For the highlighted associated document, the individual who approved the associated document is listed in this pane.
The Status Date column entry reflects the date approved.


Below the Reviewers pane, any notes for the highlighted invoice will display with the most recent note displaying first.