Greenlight Compliance Manager™

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Greenlight Compliance Manager™






Greenlight Compliance Manager™ (Greenlight CM™) brings workflow and automation to the construction industry's compliance process. Greenlight's functionality allows users to track certificates of insurance, contractor licenses, lien waivers, subcontracts and certified payrolls.


Greenlight CM™ enables you to:


Insurance Certificates

Lien Waivers


Certified Payrolls

Contractors Licenses

Unlimited Subcontractors

Unlimited Tiers


Unlimited Documents

Emails and Notifications

Send and Receive

Automatic email notifications to all non-compliant vendors

Compliance reports

Build Custom

Insurance Templates

Email Templates

User-defined Insurance Endorsements

User-defined Contractors License Types

Imports and Updates

Commitments from accounting system

Contacts from accounting system

Vendors from accounting system





The Greenlight CM™ module enables pVault® users to track certificates of insurance, contractor's licenses, lien waivers, subcontracts and certified payrolls - all in a paperless environment. Compliance tracking ensures that your subcontractors are carrying the minimum policy and endorsement requirements for your projects. You can also determine expiration dates at a glance! This is the same for vendors and their insurance as well.


Note: To close out of the Greenlight CM™ module and return to the pVault® Home screen, re-click the Greenlight CM™ icon.


There are 3 Greenlight CM™ icons on the ribbon toolbar:


Greenlight CM™


Manage Greenlight CM™



There are different levels within the Greenlight CM™ module:







Depending on your access permissions and which level (company, job, vendor) you are currently in determines what tasks you can perform.


Click here for Manage Greenlight CM™.

Click here for Greenlight CM™ Reports.

Click here for toolbar details.

Click here for company level screen layout specifics.

Click here for job level specifics.

Click here for vendor/subcontractor specifics.