Help Tab

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Help Tab

The Help tab provides access to the pVault® online help system, as well as pVault® version and support information.

From the ribbon toolbar, click Help.



Click Help to access the pVault® online help system.


Click About to access the About pVault® Enterprise Content Manager window.

The pVault® version being used by the organization displays on this window.

Note:  This is helpful when contacting Technical Support at Paperless Environments to report a pVault® issue.

Click System Info to access the System Information screen.



Click Support to access the Support window.

Go here to view the contact information (phone number, email, and mailing address) for Technical Support at Paperless Environments.




Click Submit Ticket to access the ticket submission form.

Complete the form, attach associated documents and click Submit to send the ticket to the Technical Support team at Paperless Environments.

Important:  Access is per vault; not per user. This means either all pVault® users in the company have access or no one in the company has access.

The Administrator decides whether or not to grant access to this feature.

For setup instructions, click here.



From the Remote Support dropdown arrow, select either Zoho or Zoom.

Depending on the function selected, steps display for connecting to the following sites:



Through these selections, temporary PC remote control is granted to a Paperless Environments Technical Support representative.



Click Release Notes to display the Release Notes window.

Go here to view pVault® release notes based on the version selected from field dropdown lists.