Job Poll Jobs

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Job Poll Jobs

The following is a list of available job poll jobs to run on the server.


Universal Jobs


AP Check to Invoice Backfiller

Backfills check information (Check Number, Check Date and Check Amount) to AP invoices indexed in pVault®.

APFlow™ Mailer

Sends a notification to every APFlow™ reviewer with a summary of the unapproved invoices currently in their Approve Invoices inbox.
An example of the APFlow™ Mailer email:

APFlow™ Mailer for Processors

Sends a notification to every APFlow™ processor with a summary of the unapproved invoices currently in their Approve Invoices inbox.

The job can be configured to identify any or all processors who should receive the notification email.

AR Check to Invoice Backfiller

Backfills check information (Check Number, Check Date and Check Amount) to AR invoices indexed in pVault®.

Database Maintenance

Performs two independent functions. The SQL optimization maintenance will always run. If the Backup Database Parameter value is set to True, this job poll job will also perform a database backup. If the Backup Database Parameter value is set to False, this job poll job will only run the SQL optimization maintenance.

DB Backup Log

Database transaction log backup job designed to back up just the transaction log of the Paperless Environments database.

Document Retention

Archives documents stored in pVault® that are at the archive date or were manually added to an Archive Addendum.

Document Routing AP Invoice

Returns completed invoices routed by DocRoute™ module to the Returned from Doc Route folder in APFlow™.

Document Routing Notifications

Sends a notification to the recipient of a DocRoute™ module route with the details of the document routed to them.


Runs the Folder Watch Import job to check and import folders set with a folder watch. Refer to Folder Watch Import.

Queue Notification

Sends a notification to every user queue owner with a summary of the number of documents currently in the queue(s) for which they are marked as "owner".



Accounting System Specific Jobs


MRI Attachment Sync


Inserts linking pvSync files into the attachment table of the MRI accounting system to "link" the MRI attachment "paperclip" to documents stored in pVault®.

Penta Distribution Date Backfiller


Backfills the distribution date form the Penta accounting system to invoices indexed in pVault®.

Quote to Order


Looks for both the Quote Number Index Type or the Job Estimate Number Index Type. The values are stored in the same table in RFMS.
Backfills the Sale Order number into documents already indexed.

Sage 100 Attachment Sync

Sage 100 Contractor

Inserts linking pvSync files into the attachment table of the Sage 100 Contractor accounting system to "link" the Sage 100 Contractor attachment "paperclip" to documents stored in pVault®.

Sage 300 Attachment Sync

Sage 300 CRE

Inserts linking pvSync files into the attachment table of Sage 300 CRE accounting system to "link" the Sage 300 CRE attachment "paperclip" to documents stored in pVault®.

Sage 300 SM Attachment Sync

Sage 300 CRE

Inserts linking pvSync files into the attachment table of the Sage 300 CRE SM Service Management module to "link" the Sage 300 SM module attachment "paperclip" to documents stored in pVault®.

SI Post Date Backfiller

SI Systems

Backfills the posting date for SI Systems accounting system to invoices indexed in pVault®.

Sage 300 CRE Cost Code Push

Sage 300 CRE

Inserts original estimates for jobs, cost codes and cost types into the Sage 300 CRE system which do not currently have a budget set up for them, allowing pVault® to post invoices to these new codes.

Viewpoint Attachment Sync


Inserts attachment records into the Viewpoint HQAT table for enabling attachment links on Viewpoint drill down reports.



Greenlight CM™ Jobs


Greenlight Accounting Refresh

The Accounting Refresh is responsible for keeping data in sync between the connected ERP system and Greenlight CM™. For Jobs and Vendors, it keeps names, addresses and phone/fax information in sync. For commitments, any changes to Committed amounts and key dates will be updated to Greenlight CM™.

Greenlight Awaiting Approval Notification

The Awaiting Approval Notification is designed to send automated emails to your company's administrators regarding vendors who are waiting for approval.

Greenlight Certified Payroll Auto Creation

The Certified Payroll Auto Creation will run on designated intervals and create the next period's Certified Payroll entries so they do not have to be added manually to every job/vendor. Entries will be created based on the rules defined at the job level for Due Date and Week Ending Day. This does not generate emails.

Greenlight Certified Payroll Past Due Notification

The Certified Payroll Past Due Notification is an automated email notification process that sends out emails to vendors and their tiers and alerts them of a past due certified payroll.

Greenlight Commitment Missing Insurance Notification

The Commitment Missing Insurance Notification looks at the Commitment Start Date and uses the Starting Days parameter to determine how far in advance it should start warning the subcontractor if they are missing certain insurance requirements.

Greenlight Compliance Check

The Compliance Check is used to test scenarios where a vendor may become non-compliant due to causes which were not caused by changing date in the UI. For instance, the vendor's record has not been opened and viewed in 15 days and there have been no changes, but the expiration date hits. This job ensures that the vendor is now marked as non-compliant due to the expiration or any other conditions which may now cause it to be non-compliant.

Greenlight Expired Insurance Notification

The Expired Insurance Notification is an automated email notification process that sends out emails to vendors and their tiers, and alerts them of expired insurance certificates. When a vendor's insurance has expired, Greenlight CM™ will automatically send a pre-filled email warning to the vendor. The administrator can choose which email template is used. You can also set multiple Expiration Notifications.

Greenlight Insurance Expiration Notification

The Insurance Expiration Notification is an automated email notification process that sends out emails to vendors and their tiers and alerts them of expiring insurance certificates. When a vendor's insurance is about to expire, Greenlight CM™ will automatically send a pre-filled email warning to the vendor. The administrator can choose which email template is used and how many days before expiration before the system sends out the email. You can also set multiple Expiration Notifications.

Greenlight License Expiring Notification

The License Expiring Notification is an automated email notification process that sends out emails to vendors and their tiers and alerts them of expiring licenses. When a vendor's license is about to expire, Greenlight CM™ will automatically send a pre-filled email warning to the vendor. The administrator can choose which email template is used and how many days before expiration before the system sends out the email. You can also set multiple Expiration Notifications.

Greenlight Lien Waiver Creation

The Lien Waiver Creation can automatically generate waivers on vendor records at the beginning or end of each month. Use it as a proactive tool in generating conditional and/or unconditional progress records at a specific time of month.

Greenlight Lien Waiver Due Notification

The Lien Waiver Due Notification is an automated email warning vendors of missing lien waivers. If a waiver is not returned by a specified due date, then this Job Poll job will send out a notification to the vendor of the missing past due waiver.

Greenlight Notifier

The Notifier is used to assemble and deliver the email messages. When email notifications are generated in Greenlight CM™ through the Job Poll service, the emails are sent to a queue. The Notifier Job Poll job determines when and how often the Email Queue sends out emails.

Greenlight Out Of Compliance Notification

The Out Of Compliance Notification is an automated email warning vendors of their insurance being out of compliance. When a vendor's insurance is out of compliance, Greenlight CM™ will automatically send a pre-filled email warning to the vendor. The administrator can choose which email template is used.

Greenlight Update Accounting Insurance

The Update Accounting Insurance systematically takes compliance records that were entered into Greenlight CM™ and insert or update that data into your accounting system.

The process works with these accounting systems: Sage 100, Sage 300 and Viewpoint. For more information about required configurations, click here.