Lock Out Tag Out

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Lock Out Tag Out


Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) is a series of processes ultimately designed to keep individuals from getting hurt. For instance, if there is a faulty switch in an electric box that needs to be replaced or a piece of equipment with a part that needs to be repaired, a lock or tag is placed at or near the location of the issue. This lock or tag keeps other employees unfamiliar with the situation from accessing the faulty switch or trying to start the equipment with a faulty part. Communication can be difficult when work is being done across shifts and timely communication is critical. Using LOTO ensures a central location where this information is housed and can be easily referenced.


Paperless LOTO takes a company's current Lock Out/Tag Out paper system and makes it portable, electronic and efficient. Jobs are set up to create and capture all lock outs electronically. Employees are assigned to jobs. Lock inventory can be tracked per employee and per job. Supervisors can digitally sign Lock Out approvals. There is the automated routing of Lock Out reports when completed, with detailed reporting on lock activity and lock outs per job or employee.


Your company administrator starts by setting up jobs. LOTO locks/tags are entered and roles are assigned to company employees.

Company employees with specific roles of supervisor, lead employee and employee begin their LOTO involvement by responding to emails sent to their cell phones inviting them to log in to their company's LOTO program.





As part of the initial LOTO setup, your company will go through the process of procuring a license and establishing a contact with administrator permissions.

Click here to read about getting the administrator set up.


The Paperless LOTO system consists of an administration portal and a user mobile app.


Through the Lock Out Tag Out Administration Portal, administrators can enter employees and jobs, add LOTO events, add locks/tags to an inventory for future use and run reports.

Through the Lock Out Tag Out User Mobile App, user roles with certain permissions can view assigned jobs, add LOTO events and approve jobs.