Paying with a Credit Card

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Paying with a Credit Card


In Vista


Prerequisite:  The company must be set up for a credit card service (S-Credit Service from the dropdown in the Pay Method field, in the Payment Method tab) in the AP Vendor Master screen.


1.From the Main Menu navigation screen, click Accounts Payable in the left navigation bar.

2.Click Programs.

3.In the Forms listing, double click AP Payment Workfile.
The AP Payment Workfile Detail screen displays similar to the following:

4.In the transaction row, click in the corresponding Pay column.

5.Click Create Payment Batch.
The Batch Selection window similar to the following displays:

6.Click Create a new batch.

7.Change the Batch Month field as appropriate.

8.Click OK.
The AP Payment Posting Detail window similar to the following displays:

9.On the AP Payment Posting Detail window toolbar, click File.

10.From the dropdown menu, click Generate Credit Service Export File.
The AP Credit Service Download dialog box similar to the following displays:

11.Click Generate File.
The following CM Reference number assigned prompt displays:

12.Click Close.
A Save Export File As window similar to the following displays with the File name field content highlighted:

13.Click behind the highlighted file content.

14.Press the space bar and then enter the paid date with no punctuation.
For example:  091319

15.Press Save.
The following informational prompt displays:

16.Click Close.
The following transfer file to Comdata prompt displays:

17.Click No.

18.On the AP Credit Service Download dialog box toolbar, click File.

19.From the dropdown menu, click Close.

20.On the AP Payment Posting Detail window toolbar, click File.

21.From the dropdown menu, click Credit Service Remittance Report.
The Credit Service Remittance Report should resemble the following:

22.Click the X in the upper right corner of the report window to close.

23.On the AP Payment Posting Detail window toolbar, click File.

24.From the dropdown menu, click Process Batch.
The AP Batch Process window similar to the following displays:

25.Click Validate.
The Status field changes from Open to Validated.

26.Click Post.
The following prompt displays:

27.Click Close.

28.On the AP Payment Workfile screen toolbar, click File.

29.From the dropdown menu, click Close.



In pVault®


Verify that three reports generated.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Retrieve.

2.Click Search, Searchicon-mh.
The Search Utility window similar to the following displays with the Search tab active:

3.Click the All Document Types check box to select every document type.

4.In the Indexed Date field, click the calendar to select the date the batch was indexed.

5.Click Search.
Two Index Batch Control Reports and the CC EFT Transaction report should be listed similar to the following:

6.Click the CC EFT Transaction entry.
The report will resemble the following:

7.Close the report.

8.Click the next entry. This is the Payment List.
The report will resemble the following:

9.Click the third entry. This is the GL Payments Posting List.
The report will resemble the following:

10.Close the report.