Bridge Tab

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Bridge Tab


The Bridge tab is used to set up the connection or “bridge” between the Sage Paperless Construction system and the in-house accounting/ERP system.
This "bridge" provides data look-ups for indexing documents and throughout the APFlow™ Invoice Routing and Approval module.




The Bridge Type field dropdown reflects the business categories with which Sage Paperless Construction is involved.



The Bridge Product field dropdown is connects with the bridge type and reflects those accounting systems associated with a specific business category.


For example:


If the Bridge Type field is Construction, the dropdown list displays the accounting systems from which to select.




Note:  If the Bridge Type field is None, then the Bridge Product field is not active.


Based on the Bridge Type field and Bridge Product field entries, the remaining fields displaying on the Bridge tab will change.


Note: Even if the Bridge Type field entry is static and the Bridge Product is changed, the remaining fields displaying on the Bridge tab may change.



Refer to Sage 100 Contractor Bridge Settings  to set up a bridge to the Sage 100 Contractor data folder.

Refer to Sage 300 CRE Bridge Settings  to set up a bridge to the Sage 300 CRE data folder.