Creating New Insurance Rating Company

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Creating New Insurance Rating Company


If your company uses a different Insurance Rating Service not included in the Insurance Rating Service field dropdown, you can create your own Insurance Rating Service.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Greenlight.

2.Click Manage Greenlight, GreenlightManageGreenlighticon-mh.
The Manage Greenlight screen displays with the General tab active.

3.Click the Lookup Tables tab.
The following screen displays:

4.Click Insurance Ratings.

5.Click Edit.
The Insurance Ratings screen displays:

6.Click Add Rating System, GreenlightAddRatingSystembutton-mh.
The Rating System pane updates with a new blank entry:

7.In the blank Ratings pane, type the rating style and the rating description.

8.Be sure to click the adjacent Active checkmark.

9.Click Save, GreenlightSavebutton-mh.