Report List

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Report List


The following reports are specific to Greenlight Compliance Manager™:


All Ops Vendor Insurance Detail


This report lists all vendors and their insurance details

Use this report to view all vendors and their detailed insurance information.



Permissible Value

Vendor Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.



Awaiting Approval


This report lists those vendors awaiting administrative approval.

Use this report to identify vendors waiting for administrative approval.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.



Commitments - Missing Insurance


This report lists commitments with missing insurance.

Use this report to identify vendors still missing required insurance with commitments starting within the next 15 days.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.

Number of Days Til Start

This is the number of days before the commitment starts


This report will include all commitments already notified or those commitments that are not notified.

Exact Start Date Range

This report will include either all commitments or those commitments whose start day is the exact match to the number entered.

Run Option

This report will run by company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.



Company Detail


This report lists company details.

Use this report to review contact information and assigned insurance templates as well as additional pertinent details.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.



Company Licenses by State


This report lists company licenses sorted by state.

Use this report to view, by state, license types, legal entities, license numbers and expiration dates. This report also includes continuing education details.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.


This report will run for the state entered.



Company Licenses Expired


This report lists company licenses that have expired.

Use this report to identify those companies whose licenses and/or required continuing education have expired.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.



Company Licenses Expiring


This report lists company licenses that are expiring.

Use this report to identify those companies whose licenses and/or required continuing education will expire within a specified number of days.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.

Expiration Days

This report is based on the company expiration threshold entered.



Completed Operations Report


This report lists all projects that have completed operations.

Use this report to determine those projects that have a status of Completed Operations, what their start dates



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.



Compliance Hot List Report


This report lists all non-compliant vendors with expired insurance.

Use this report to identify vendors with canceled or expired certificates of insurance or those that do not have the required certificates of insurance on file.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.

Job ID

This report will run for the job number entered.



Continuing Education Expiration


This report lists individuals whose continued education is expiring.

Use this report to identify individuals whose continuing education will expire within a specified number of days.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.

Expiration Days

This report is based on the company expiration threshold entered.



Detail Lien Waiver


This report lists vendor and job lien waiver details.

Use this report to view details, by job and then by vendor, of lien waiver information including payment dates, amounts and check numbers.



Permissible Value

Run Option

This report will run by company number, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number entered.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.


This report will include all lien waivers or outstanding lien waivers only , based on the value selected.



Document Types Detail


This report lists document types details.

Use this report to view a list of Document Types, the folder where each type is stored and whether or not each type is active.



Permissible Value





Email Queued List


This report lists emails in the queue waiting to be sent.

Use this report to view, by vendor, emails that are queued to be sent.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.



Endorsements Detail


This report lists endorsements details.

Use this report if you need endorsement detail text.



Permissible Value





Estimated Completion Operations Report


This report lists jobs and their estimated completed operations dates.

Use this report to review the estimated completion date for current active jobs.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.



Expiring Policies


This report lists the jobs and vendors with expiring policies.

Use this report to identify companies with certificates of insurance scheduled to expire within a specified number of days.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.

Run Option

This report will run by company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.

Number Days Warning

This report is based on the expiration threshold entered.

Filter Option

This report will include expiring policies for all, for only all operations, or only for suppliers and subcontractors.


This report will include all vendors already notified or those vendors who were not notified.

Approved Only

This report will display only approved vendors or not--based on the number entered.

Equal Only

This report will or will not include those businesses whose policies are expiring on an exact interval based on the number entered.



Hot List Summarized


This report consists of a summary of all non-compliant vendors with expired insurance.

Use this report to view a list of companies that are non-compliant.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.

Job ID

This report will run for the job number entered.



Job Status Report


This report lists jobs and their associated statuses.

Use this report to view the job status of every job, the job locations, if they are in compliance and their estimated completion dates.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.

Job ID

This report will run for the job number entered.



Job Vendor Insurance Detail


This report lists vendors and their insurance details.

Use this report to view the vendors, per job, and their insurance tracking information.
Note: This insurance tracking information also displays on the Vendor level screen, Insurance tab. Click here.



Permissible Value

Job Number

This report will run for the job number entered.



Job Vendors


This report lists vendors per job.

Use this report to view a list of vendors, per job, their vendor types, how they wish to be notified and status. It identifies each vendor contact and includes that individual's phone number.



Permissible Value

Job Number

This report will run for the job number entered.



Lien Waiver Review


This report lists lien waivers for a specific date range per job.

Use this report to view lien waiver details specific to an attached lien waiver document.



Permissible Value

Job Number

This report will run for the company number entered.

Received Date From

This report will run to include the start date entered.

Received Date To

This report will run to include the end date entered.

Show Portal Waivers Only

This report will include only portal waivers based on the value entered.



New Commitments


This report lists new commitments.

Use this report to view vendors and their associated commitment dates and types.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.



Outstanding Waivers


This report lists outstanding waivers.

Use this report to view outstanding lien waivers for a specific job.



Permissible Value

Run Option

This report will run by company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.



Outstanding Waivers By Vendor and Tiers


This report lists outstanding waivers by vendor and tiers.

Use this report to view outstanding lien waivers for a specific job, by vendor.



Permissible Value


This report will run for the vendor entered.

Job ID

This report is based for the job number entered.



Portal Lien Waiver Upload List


This report lists portal lien waivers based on a specific cutoff date.

Use this report to view vendor portal lien waivers that have been uploaded.



Permissible Value

Day Cutoff

This report will include the portal lien waivers based on the number of days entered.



Preliminary Notice Filed


This report lists jobs and preliminary notices filed by a specific date range.

Use this report to view the dates that preliminary notices were filed and when those notices were effective along with their amounts.



Permissible Value

Job ID

This report will run for the job number entered.

Start Filed Date

This report will run to include the start filed date entered.

End Filed Date

This report will run to include the end filed date entered.



Preliminary Notice Info


This report lists preliminary notice details.

Use this report to view a list of preliminary notices.



Permissible Value

Job ID

This report will run for the job number entered.



Sent Email List


This report lists emails sent by a specific date.

Use this report to view a list of emails sent by a specific date.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.


This report includes a specific date format



Summarized Compliance Issues


This report lists a summary of compliance issues by job or vendor.

Use this report to review a list of the job or vendor compliance issues.



Permissible Value

Run Option

This report will run by company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.

Filter Option

This report will include expiring policies for all, only all operations, or only for suppliers and subcontractors.



Vendor Activity Report


This report lists vendor activity by job.

Use this report to view vendor activities such as changes made to their insurance information or emails sent.



Permissible Value

Greenlight ID

This report will run for the Greenlight ID number entered.

Job ID

This report will run for the job number entered.



Vendor Compliance Certified Payroll


This report lists vendor compliance regarding certified payrolls.

Use this report to view a vendor's certified payroll compliance.
Note: The information reflected in this report that displays on the Vendor level, Certified Payroll tab. Click here.



Permissible Value

Run Option

This report will run by company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.

Out of Compliance Only

This report will include out of compliance vendors or not--based on the number entered.



Vendor Contractors License Expiring By Vendor


This report lists expiring vendor contractors' licenses by a specific date.

Use this report to view those vendor licenses expiring within a specified number of days.



Permissible Value

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.

Expiration Days

This report is based on the expiration dates entered.



Vendor Job List


This report lists vendors per job.

Use this report to view all vendors and their subs or tiers where they are listed as Parent Vendors, with the jobs on which they are working.



Permissible Value

Vendor Num

This report will run for the vendor number entered.

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.



Vendor Licenses Expired By Vendor


This report lists expired vendor licenses by vendor.

Use this report to view those vendors with expired licenses.



Permissible Value

Run Option

This report will run for company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.



Vendor Licenses Expired By Job


This report lists expired vendor licenses by job.

Use this report to view vendors whose licenses or continuing education requirements will expire within a specified number of days.



Permissible Value

Expiration Days

This report will include the expiration days based on the  number entered.

Company ID

This report will run for the company number entered.



Vendor List Report


This report lists all vendors.

Use this report to view a list of your company's vendors, including their address and phone numbers.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.



Vendor List With Contacts Report


This report lists vendors and their contacts.

Use this report to view a list of your company's vendors, their addresses and phone numbers, emails, their contacts and those individuals' email addresses.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.



Vendor Notes


This report lists all vendor notes.

Use this report to review all vendor notes and the dates those notes were entered.



Permissible Value

Company Number

This report will run for the company number entered.

Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor number entered.



Vendor Notification Types Detail


This report lists vendor notification details.

Use this report to review the active vendor notification types.



Permissible Value





Vendor Out of Compliance


This report lists vendors who are out of compliance.

Use this report to review a list of vendor compliance issues.



Permissible Value

Run Option

This report will run for company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.

Filter Option

This report will include expiring policies for all, for all operations only or for suppliers and subcontractors only.



Vendor Out Of Compliance COI Example All Ops


This report lists all ops vendors with COI out of compliance.

Use this report to view a list of All Ops vendors that are out of compliance with their Certificates of Insurance.



Permissible Value

Greenlight ID

This report will run for the Greenlight ID number entered.



Vendor Out of Compliance COI Example Job Specific


This report lists all vendor with COI out of compliance per job.

Use this report to view a list of all vendors that are out of compliance with their Certificates of Insurance.
Note: This report is per job.



Permissible Value

Greenlight ID

This report will run for the Greenlight ID number entered.



Vendor Out of Compliance Commitments


This report lists vendors with out of compliance commitments.

Use this report to view a list of all vendors for your company that have out of compliance commitments.



Permissible Value

Run Option

This report will run for company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.

Filter Option

This report will include expiring policies for all, for only all operations, or for only suppliers and subcontractors.



Vendor Out of Compliance Insurance


This report lists vendors with insurance that is out of compliance.

Use this report to view a list of all vendors for your company that are out of compliance with their insurance.



Permissible Value

Run Option

This report will run for company, job, vendor or Greenlight ID number.

Run Option Value

This report reflects the value selected in the Run Option parameter.

Filter Option

This report will include expiring policies for all, for only all operations, or for only suppliers and subcontractors.



Vendor Types Detail


This report lists vendor type details.

Use this report to view a list of available vendor types.



Permissible Value

