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pVault® Help

Navigation: Administration > Vaults > Web Security Groups Tab

Create Web Security Group, Wizard Window #4

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This wizard window provides a summary of all the selections made in the previous three Create Web Security Group wizard windows.


The fourth Create Web Security Group wizard window similar to the following displays:




1.Make sure that the identified Vault, Group Name and the Administrator selection are accurate.

2.Read through the Users to verify the individuals are correct.
Note: If any of the information is incorrect, click Back and revise the information accordingly.

3.Once the information on this screen is correct, click Finish to return to the Vault Properties window with the Web Security Groups tab active.
A dialog box similar to the following may display:


4.Click Yes or No as appropriate.
The new group will display, similar to the following:

5.Click OK.



Version 2024.01.36 3/11/2025
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