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Document Life Cycle

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Business documents go through a long life cycle. The pVault® system provides the tools to manage documents throughout their life cycle.


PAP - The Document Lifecycle





For More Information


To begin the cycle, the documents must be captured.


Index & Store

To keep captured documents organized, secure and easy to find, the next step is to index and store them in pVault®.

Indexing and Storing Documents


Once indexed and stored, users will need to retrieve documents during their daily routines.



Once retrieved, there are many ways to actually "use" these documents.

Working with Documents


Documents that are no longer used are archived to speed up searching and retrieving of "active" documents.

Document Archive


Once legal retention time limits are met, or documents no longer have a business use, documents can be removed.

Document Purge



Version 2024.01.36 1/30/2025
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