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pVault® Help

Invoice Coding (middle pane)


The invoice lines that display in this middle pane are based on the GL codes or job codes that the Processor entered for the highlighted invoice.

An invoice must have at least one coding line.

As a coding line is highlighted, the coding fields display in the bottom invoice line coding pane.





Change Line Type

1.To change a line type in Approve Invoices, click this icon.
The Line Types lookup displays.

2.Click to highlight a line type.

3.Click OK.
Note:  For those accounting systems with only one line type, this function is not available.


Split Line

1.To split a specific invoice line, click this icon.
The Split Line dialog box similar to the following displays:
The default is 2 lines, with the gross split evenly.

2.Enter a number in the Number of resulting lines field.

3.To split the number evenly across the lines, click Allocate Evenly.

4.Click Split.



If the Reviewer has added a split line during the review process, this icon displays. Click this icon to remove the newly added split line if it was added in error.

After the invoice is saved, the split line cannot be removed.


Match Receipts

This icon changes, based on the receipt match status.

Refer to the Match Receipts table, below, for more information.

Note:  Line Level Matching is not limited to just Approve Invoices. It is available in Invoice Entry and Credit Card Importer too.



Match Receipts



Indicates a single receipt was matched. No further receipt matching is necessary for this invoice line.


Indicates no receipt is matched.

There are two ways to look for receipts to match: Request and Search.


1.Click the icon to begin the match receipts process.
A Find Receipts dialog box displays:

2.In the Choose Method to Get Receipts field dropdown, select Request.

3.Click OK.
A Request Line Receipt dialog box similar to the following displays:

4.In the User field, use the dropdown to select the appropriate user to whom the receipt request will be sent.

5.From the 3 check boxes (System Alert, Email, Text), click to select the best method for sending the receipt request.

6.Click Request.
A receipt request will be sent to the individual identified in step 5.




1.Click the icon to begin the match receipts process.
A Find Receipts dialog box displays:


2.In the Choose Method to Get Receipts field dropdown, select Search.

3.Click OK.
The Search Utility window displays.

4.Click to select the Document Types entries in the list and update the Index Criteria grid as appropriate.

5.Click Search.
Any "matching" receipts will display in the Result grid.

6.Highlight the appropriate receipt.

7.Click Send, InvoiceEntryMatchReceiptsSearchResultsSendicon-mh.
The Choose Match Receipt Options dialog box displays:

8.Select the option(s) that apply.

9.Click OK.
If successfully matched, the Match Receipts icon changes from CreditCardImporterNoReceiptMatchedicon-mh to CreditCardImporterSingleReceiptMatchedicon-mh.


Indicates multiple receipts were matched.

1.Click the icon to generate a Resolve Multiple Receipt Matches dialog box similar to the following:

2.Click the entries in the Receipt List pane. An image of the selected receipt displays.
Note: To transfer coding from a receipt, highlight the receipt entry in the list and click Copy Coding From Selected Receipt. Use this to override if Transfer Receipt Index Values to Invoice Line Coding is selected.

3.If none of the receipt entries are a match, click Clear All Matches.
If one of the receipt entries is a match, continue with step 4.

4.Click Choose Receipt.
The following prompt displays:

5.Click Yes.
Any unselected matches will be removed.



Line Totals and Unallocated Amount




Between the middle pane and the bottom pane:


Your Original Line Totals - This was the total when first routed.

Your Current Line Totals - This includes changes made by the Reviewer.

Your Unallocated - This is the difference between the two amounts.


The invoice cannot be saved until the original and current line totals match.


If the two totals cannot be reconciled, the Reviewer must either reverse any changes made to the invoice in the Approve Invoices screen or click Reject Invoice.



Version 2024.01.36 3/11/2025
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