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pVault® Help

The Sources tab contains the path of the email.




Email jobs are locked down so an individual cannot access another person's email account or make changes to the Email Import job.

Jobs set up under one account and then logged into with a different account will generate a message indicating that the job cannot be viewed or edited. Only if no options were assigned to the job will editing be permitted.

Only email accounts you have configured under your account are visible to you.

Only options in the Sources, Error Options and Archiving Options tabs assigned to your email accounts are visible to you.

Only email options are available under the Email Job Type. No other Job Types should be able to view any of the Email Options.

Only one email account per user per Job. For example, Source, Error and Archiving all must point to the same email account.



1.Click the Sources tab.
A window similar to the following displays:


2.Click Add.
The Source Properties dialog box displays:

3.In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the email source.

4.In the Source Type field, use the dropdown and click to select Outlook.

5.In the Account field, use the dropdown to select a listed entry or click Manage Accounts.

6.If Manage Accounts is clicked, the Manage Accounts dialog box similar to the following displays:


7.Click Add.
The Add Account dialog box similar to the following displays with the Name field unpopulated and Connection Not Established displaying:

8.In the Type field, use the dropdown or keep the default.

9.Click the Allow any system or vault admin to configure jobs for this email check box to mark an email account as public. This will give System and Vault Administrators the permission to edit or configure for this email address.

10. Click Grant Access.
The Microsoft Pick an account window similar to the following displays:


11. Double click on the account that is listed or click Use another account.

The Microsoft Permissions requested window similar to the following displays:

12. Click Accept.

The Add Account dialog box redisplays with the Name field populated with the account name and Connection Successful displaying:


13. Click OK.

This closes the Add Account dialog box and the Manage Accounts dialog box redisplays with the newly created account displaying in the grid similar to the following:


14. Click Close.
The Source Properties dialog box redisplays with the Account field system populated similar to the following:

15. Click the Folder field ellipsis, BrowseButton.

A Folders dialog box similar to the following displays:
Note: If you have permissions for a shared mailbox, this Folders dialog box will include that information. For details, refer to the Shared Mailbox Permissions section located at the bottom of this page.

16. Click to highlight the folder.

17. Click OK.

The Source Properties dialog box with the Folder field populated redisplays similar to the following:

18. Click OK.

The Sources tab redisplays with the new Job added to the grid similar to the following:

19. Click the Error Options tab.



Shared Mailbox Permissions


If you have Shared Mailbox permissions, and you click the ellipsis, Ellipsisicon-mh, in the Source Properties dialog, the Folders dialog box will resemble the following:




1.Click the Use Shared Mailbox check box.
The Email field will become active.

2.Enter the Email address to which you have shared permissions.
The folders within that email address display.
The completed Folders dialog box will resemble the following:

3.Click Ok to close.
The Source Properties dialog box will update to include the shared mailbox email address similar to the following:

4.Click OK.



Version 2024.01.36 3/11/2025
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