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Navigation: Capture > Importer > Email Import > Outlook

Error Options Tab

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Error Options is where error handling options are set up.


For Email import errors, the only options are:


Email Notification - Send an email to a specified email address with details of the import error.

Log Errors - Log the error in the server event log.

Move to Mail Folder - Move the files that generated the error to a specified folder.


1.Click the Error Options tab.
A window similar to the following displays:


2.Click Add.
For each selected error option, an Error Options Properties window requiring specific information based on the error option displays:
Email Notification Settings
Log Errors Settings
Move to Folder Settings

3.Enter the appropriate information in the Error Option Properties window(s).

4.Click OK.
The Sources tab window re-displays.

5.Click the Archiving Options tab.



Version 2024.01.36 3/11/2025
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