Card Issuer Account - Sage 100 Only

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Card Issuer Account - Sage 100 Only


Ordinarily, this header field is labeled Credit Card. When the associated Advanced Bridge setting, Enable Credit Card Management Integration, is set to True, this field is systematically relabeled to Card Issuer Account.

This integration process allows invoices that are identified as credit card transactions to be exported from Sage Paperless Construction directly into Sage 100's Credit Card Management module as credit card receipts instead of as regular invoices.

Populating the Card Issuer Account field on the invoice header determines that the invoice will post to Credit Card Management. Each line on the invoice posts as separate credit card receipt transactions and each lists individually in the Reconcile Credit Card Statement screen.


Note:  For details on the Create Paid AP Invoice check box, click here.



There are two use case scenarios.


Paying Credit Card Bill - click here for details

Paid an Invoice by Credit Card - click here for details