Job Poll Configuration

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Job Poll Configuration

Sage Paperless Construction has a scheduling engine, the Job Poll Service, which is used to schedule maintenance and notification jobs on the server. The Job Poll Configuration screen is used to set up and schedule the jobs.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Administration.

2.Click Job Poll, JobPollicon-mh.
A Job Poll Configuration screen similar to the following displays:


The Job Poll Configuration screens consists of the following areas:


Scheduled Jobs

A list of the jobs currently scheduled to run on the server.


Job Information

Detailed job set-up information.


Run Now

Run the selected job on demand.


SMTP Settings

A shortcut to the SMTP Configuration screen for setting up the SMTP email settings.



View Log

View the log of the jobs running on the server.



Greenlight Email Queue

The Email Queue displays the status for both user-generated and automated emails. The Notifier Job Poll job schedules how often emails are sent out from Greenlight CM™ and the Email Queue displays the results for each email. You can view Pending, Successful, Error and Resend email statuses from the Email Queue.

View the list of Greenlight CM™ emails ready to be sent, based on the radio button filters.



Click the email icon, Greenlightmailboxemailicon-mh, to open a read-only email similar to the following:




If you click the All radio button, you can resend any of the emails. Highlight to select the email and then click Resend.