Admin Tab

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Admin Tab


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click APFlow™.

2.Click Invoice Entry, InvoiceEntryicon-mh.
The APFlow™ sidebar displays:

3.Click Admin, APFlowSidebarAdmin-mh (located at the bottom of the APFlow™ sidebar).
The Export tab displays:


The Export tab is where to select invoices ready for export and to produce the export file used by the accounting program to import the invoice data. However, this is not always true. For some accounting systems, pVault® exports into a file. For others, pVault® exports directly into accounting systems. The accounting system-by-accounting system is based on the export type. It is also configurable for some accounting systems (Use AP Invoice Push advanced bridge setting) to switch between either.

APFlow™ users in the AP Supervisor role or those Processors with Allow Processor Export security access can access this tab.


The main Export pane contains a list of invoices that are fully approved by all assigned Reviewers. Relevant invoice information displays in the columns (Vendor, Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, etc.).
Click in the header area to change column sort. Column size can also be modified by dragging the column divides either larger or smaller. To view all the populated columns in the APFlow™ Administration sidebar, use the scroll bar located at the bottom of the pane.



Custom Columns

Users can also select which columns should be visible by right-clicking a column heading to display the list. Header and detail fields are available as column headings along with any custom fields. pVault® remembers previous settings for each user each time they access the Export tab. These settings are by user and by vault.





Invoices highlighted in red indicate those invoices are fully approved but have the Approval Alert check box selected. These invoices must be specifically reviewed by the Processor and the Approval Alert check box deselected before the invoices can be exported. Normally, invoices on hold do not display on this list; however, if the advanced bridge setting for Export "On Hold" Invoices is set, invoices on hold will also display on this list. When these invoices do display, they display in red text.
Note:  This differs slightly from Approval Alerts which display with a red background color.


Previously exported invoice batches can be managed in Manage Batches. (Refer to Exporting Invoices for more details.)



Export Options


Auto Preview

Check this box to view the invoice as it is selected.
This option may slow down the process if each invoice opens while going through the list.
If selected, each invoice document must load in the pVault® viewer before moving on to the next invoice.
If unselected, view the invoice by double-clicking on the invoice in the list or clicking View Invoice.

Check All

Click to select all items in the list.

Uncheck All

Click to deselect all items in the list.


This field displays if the Use AP Invoice Push advanced bridge setting is set to false, or if the current accounting system only supports importing invoices through text files.
The value entered here will form the filename portion of the export file.
If the accounting system only allows pVault® to "push" invoices straight into the Accounts Payable module through API calls, or if the AP Invoice Push advanced bridge setting is set to True, this field will not display.


This field is associated with the Filename field (see above). If exporting to an external text file, use this field to indicate to where the export text file should be written.

View Invoice

Click to display the selected invoice in the pVault® viewer, to the left of the APFlow™ sidebar.
The image loads in the viewer and the invoice loads in the Invoice Entry screen.
Both of these actions occur when View Invoice is clicked.

Export Invoices

Click to initiate the export function specific to the bridged accounting system.

Refresh List

Click to refresh the list of Approved Invoices with the latest information.

Manage Batches

Click to view batches of invoices that were previously exported.