Invoice Search

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Invoice Search


This tool can be used by Processors, Reviewers, Supervisors to locate a certain invoice or to verify that invoices are being coded properly against specific jobs or phases. Managers can use Invoice Search for reporting purposes using the search criteria on a recurring basis.


All users have access to Invoice Search based on index level security. Supervisors are not filtered by index level security since they already can view everything through Invoice Manager. If a user does not have access to view the invoice, the invoice will not be visible to that user through the Invoice Search functionality. Additionally, if users do not have access to AP Invoice or AP Invoice Confidential, they will not be able to access the screen.


For access and toolbar details, click here.

For details on entering search criteria, click here.

For details on performing a search and the expected search results, click here.

For details on how viewing documents and invoices work, click here.

For details on saving the search, click here.

For details concerning the sidebar, click here.