Saving the Search and Running a Previously Saved Search

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Saving the Search and Running a Previously Saved Search







Once a search is created, it can be saved.


Note:  Saved searches are user-specific.


With search criteria entered in the Search Criteria pane, click Save Search (InvoiceSearchSaveSearch-mh).



New Saved Search


If the search is being saved for the first time, the following Save Search dialog box displays:



Click OK.



Previously Saved Search


If a previously saved search was modified and then saved again, the following dialog box displays:




Click Yes if the modified search should be saved and the previously saved version overridden.


If a previously saved search was modified but not saved, the following dialog box displays:




Click Yes if the modified search should be saved.



Running a Previously Saved Search


To run a previously saved search, in the Saved Searches field, use the dropdown similar to the following to select the saved search:




Then click Search (InvoiceSearchSearchbutton-mh).


You can click Clear Search (InvoiceSearchClearSearchbutton-mh) when a saved search criteria is visible. It will clear the search criteria for you to create a new search. The saved search template will still display in the Saved Searches field dropdown.