Reports List

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Reports List

There are universal reports available for all vault bridge types as well as unique reports specific to the bridged accounting systems.


Universal Reports


AP Approved Invoice Detail Report


This report lists the invoice details of each approved invoice that has not yet been exported. The single value you can select is the vault number. This report is by vault.


Use this report to identify approve invoices that are pending export.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.



AP Discount Status Report


This report lists those invoices with eligible discounts that are still available, based on the discount date. You can select specific reviewers; the default is all (0). Select dates for discount date expiration and invoice start dates.
The Discount Date default is the current date. You can choose to include--or not include--approved invoices in the report. This report is by vault.


Use this report to locate invoices where the discount is about the expire.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.



0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.


Discount Date

This report will run with the discount expiration date entered.


Invoice Dates Starting

This report will run for the invoice date entered.


Include Approved Invoices

Y = This report will include previously approved invoices.
N = This report will not include previously approved invoices.



AP Export Cutoff Report


This report lists all outstanding invoices as of a specified cutoff date. Both the invoice cutoff and export cutoff dates default to the current date. You can sort by vendor, job, of GL account. Sorting by vendor is the default.
You can choose to include--or not include--rejected invoices. This report is by vault.


Use this report if your company does not use accruals functionality to import information systematically.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Invoice Cutoff Date

This report will run for the invoice cutoff date entered.


Export Cutoff Date

This report will run for the export cutoff date entered.


Sort By

V = This report will be sorted alphabetically by vendor name.
J = This report will be sorted alphabetically by job name.
G = This report will be sorted numerically by general ledge account number.


Include Rejected Invoices

Y = This report will include rejected invoices.
N = This report will not include rejected invoices.



AP Export Detail Report


This report lists, by vault and by vendor, all the invoice headers and detail lines that were included in an export for a specific date. Exported batches have a date/time stamp instead of a calendar. Click F4 for the lookup of the export date/time stamps. Select the exported batch with the precise date/time stamp. Totals for the number of invoices and number of lines display, as well as total tax, fright, discount and retainage amounts. You can sort this report by Invoice ID; Vendor is the default sort. The Vault Number and Name display in the report header.


Use this report to identify all invoices that were exported in a particular batch.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Export Time Stamp

This report will run for the export time stamp entered.


Sort By

V = This report will be sorted alphabetically by vendor name.
I = This report will be sorted numerically by invoice number.
D = This report will be sorted numerically by invoice ID. Click here for help on locating the ID of an invoice.



AP Invoice Accrual Report


This report lists invoices with dates on or before the chosen cutoff date. The Invoice cutoff date defaults to the current date. The Minimum Invoice Amount column default is $0.


Use this report to view invoices not approved or exported with journal entries in your company's accounting system not yet posted.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Invoice Cutoff Date

This report will run for the invoice cutoff date entered.


Include Rejected Invoices

Y = This report will include rejected invoices.
N = This report will not include rejected invoices.


Minimum Invoice Amount

This report will run for the minimum invoice amount entered.

Sort By

V = This report will be sorted alphabetically by vendor name.
J = This report will be sorted alphabetically by job name.
G = This report will be sorted numerically by general ledge account number.



Y = This report will include subtotals.
N = This report will not include subtotals.



AP Invoice Approval Activity


This report tracks all approvals, those approvals by assigned reviewers or only proxy approvals. The report can be filtered by vault, reviewer or date range.
View invoices and the lines each reviewer approved and when, and when each invoice was exported. You can look at a single reviewer or activity for an entire vault based on a specific time range.


Use this report to determine whether reviewers are reviewing and approving or using proxies.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Beginning Approval Date

This report will run for the beginning approval date entered.


Ending Approval Date

This report will run for the ending approval date entered.


Approval Type

0 = This report will include all approval types.
1 = This report will include Assigned Reviewer approval types only.
2 = This report will include Proxy approval types only.



0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.



AP Invoice Batch Reconciliation Report


This report lists the invoices included in a specific batch, by vendor name.


Use this report to identify those invoices that were a part of a specific batch.



Permissible Value

Batch ID

This report will run for the batch ID number entered.



AP Invoice Drill Down Report


This reports lists, in vendor order, all invoices matching the invoice date range. This report includes the number of invoices per vendor. In the Invoice # column, double click the link to view the invoice and its line detail. Click on the Image column iconReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh, on either the top level report or on the drill down sub report to access the original invoice used to create the pVault® invoice.


Use this report to see all invoices active in APFlow™ by vendor, to drill down to view images, coding and notes, and identify the reviewer. Use this report as a search tool.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Job Number

This report will run for the job number entered.


Beg GL Code

0 = This report will include all general ledger account numbers beginning at the number entered.
# = This report will include only those general ledger account numbers identified by the number entered.


End GL Code

0 = This report will include all general ledger account numbers ending at the number entered..
# = This report will include only those general ledger account numbers identified by the number entered.


Beginning Export Date

This report will run for the beginning export date entered.


Ending Export Date

This report will run for the ending export date entered.



0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.


Invoices >$

This report will run for the invoice dollar amounts greater than the number entered.



0 = This report will include all processors.
# = This report will include only those processors identified by the number entered.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.


Draw #

0 = This report will include all draw numbers.
# = This report will include only those draw numbers identified by the number entered.


Beginning Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.


Beginning Due Date

This report will run for the beginning due date entered.


Ending Due Date

This report will run for the ending due date entered.


Export Time Stamp

This report will run for the export time stamp entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


Sort Order

V = This report will be sorted alphabetically by vendor name.
N = This report will be sorted alphabetically by vendor name.



AP Invoice Issue Report


This report lists the number of issues and identifies the number of resolved issues by vendor and by vault.


Use this report to access invoice details by vendor.



Permissible Values

Vault Number

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Beginning Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.



0 = This report will include all processors.
# = This report will include only those processors identified by the number entered.


Invoice Issue

0 = This report will include all issues.
# = This report will include only those issues identified by the number entered.


Beginning Entry Date

This report will run for the beginning entry date entered.


Ending Entry Date

This report will run for the ending entry date entered.



AP Invoice Review History


This report lists the status of an invoice, by processor, vendor and vault.


Use this report to check 8-hour approval history of an invoice, from the time it was entered through each status as it moves through the review and approval process.



Permissible Values

Invoice ID

This report will run for the Invoice ID number entered. Click here for help on locating the ID of an invoice.



AP Invoice Statistics


This report lists, per processor, the number of invoices entered, routed, approved and exported. Click on the processor name link to display the Processor Details which details what the initial report totals represent.
Each processor has their own details page(s).


Use this report to track how quickly invoices are being processed.



Permissible Values

Enter Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Enter Beginning Date

This report will run for the beginning date entered.


Enter End Date

This report will run for the ending date entered.



AP Invoices Ready For Export


This report lists by vault, each invoice--with header and line field details--that is ready for export.


Use this report to identify all approved invoices that have not been exported for a vault.



Permissible Values

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


Show Notes

Y = This report will include notes.
N = This report will not include notes.



AP Invoices With Discount Amounts


This report lists all invoices, by vendor, that fall between the dates with discount amounts.


Use this report to identify those invoices with upcoming available discounts.



Permissible Values

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Beginning Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.



AP Outstanding Invoice Aging By Processor


This report lists invoice aging per processor. Double click the processor name to access invoice aging details. A by status sub report for that processor generates.


Use this report to see how long invoices take to move through the process before they are approved and to see how many invoices are waiting to be approved.



Permissible Values

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Processor ID

0 = This report will include all processors.
# = This report will include only those processors identified by the number entered.


Include Approved Invoices

Y = This report will include approved invoices.
N = This report will not include approved invoices.


Include Incomplete Invoices

Y = This report will include incomplete invoices.
N = This report will not include incomplete invoices.


Days Between Columns

This report will run for the aging frequency entered.



AP Outstanding Invoice Aging By Vendor


This report lists invoice aging per vendor. Double click the vendor name to access an invoice aging details sub report. Click the link in the Reviewers column to view the list of individual reviewers in another sub report.

Click in the Documents column to view the document related to the invoice in a third sub report. Click the ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh icon to view the actual invoice. This report includes Exported Invoices status filtering.


Use this report to see what the cumulative dollar amount per vendor remains outstanding.



Permissible Values

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.


Show Invoice Notes

Y = This report will include notes.
N = This report will not include notes.


Days Between Columns

This report will run for the aging frequency entered.


Include Do Not Pay Invoices

Y = This report will include Do Not Pay invoices.
N = This report will not include Do Not Pay invoices.



AP Outstanding Invoices By Job


This report lists invoices, by job and then by vendor, all invoices that are outstanding by a specific date. Invoices for the vendor display even if the Job field is left blank. Click the ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh icon to view the document. If invoice notes exist and the Show Notes? parameter is set to Y, the notes will display. There is a grand total that includes all listed invoice totals.
Note:  Invoices not coded to jobs are included in this report.


Use this report to see the invoices in the system by job.




Permissible Values

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Beginning Job

This report will run for the beginning job entered.


Ending Job

This report will run for the ending job entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


Show Notes

Y = This report will include notes.
N = This report will not include notes.


Show Invoice Coding

Y = This report will include invoice coding.
N = This report will not include invoice coding.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.


Invoices Dated <=

This report will run for the invoice dates less than or equal to the date entered.



0 = This report will include all processors.
# = This report will include only those processors identified by the number entered.


Show Reviewers

0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.


Draw #

0 = This report will include all draw numbers.
# = This report will include only those draw numbers identified by the number entered.


Reviewer ID

This report will run for the reviewer ID entered.



AP Outstanding Invoices By Work Order


This report lists all work orders by vendor that are outstanding by a specific date. Click the ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mhicon to view the document. If invoice notes exist and the Show Notes parameter is set to Y, the notes display.


Use this report to see the invoices in the system coded against a specific work order.



Permissible Values

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Work Order

This report will run for the work order number entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


Show Notes

Y = This report will include notes.
N = This report will not include notes.


Show Invoice Coding

Y = This report will include invoice coding.
N = This report will not include invoice coding.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.


Invoices Dated <=

This report will run for the invoice dates less than or equal to the date entered.



AP Processor Invoice Entry Statistics


This report lists processors, per vault, and the number of invoices they have entered and the number of lines per invoice. Click the date link to access an Invoices Entered by "Processor" on "date" sub report detailing the invoice and due dates, along with the invoice total.


Use this report as a visual of processor production.



Permissible Values

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Beginning Entry Date

This report will run for the beginning date entered.


Ending Entry Date

This report will run for the ending date entered.



0 = This report will include all processors.
# = This report will include only those processors identified by the number entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.



AP Processor Status Report


This report lists, by vault and then by processor, the number of invoices assigned to each processor and each invoice's status.


Use this report to see how many invoices each processor is working and the status of those invoices.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.



AP Secondary Vendor Drilldown


This report lists, by vault and then by secondary vendor, the invoices where those secondary vendors are named. Click the link in the Invoice # column to access the sub report with a specific vendor's invoice details. This sub report includes the invoice line number, the amount, the date and the status. The original date indexed and by whom is also listed.


Use this report to track secondary vendors paid through credit cards.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Secondary Vendor

This report will run for the secondary vendor number entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Job #

This report will run for the job number entered.


GL Code

0 = This report will include all general ledger account numbers beginning at the number entered.
# = This report will include only those general ledger account numbers identified by the number entered.


Begin Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


End Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.


Begin Due Date

This report will run for the beginning due date entered.


End Due Date

This report will run for the ending due date entered.


Begin Export Date

This report will run for the beginning export date entered.


End Export Date

This report will run for the ending export date entered.


Export Batch

This report will run for the export batch number entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.



0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.


Invoices >$

This report will run for the invoice dollar amounts greater than the number entered.



AP Unapproved Invoice Aging by Reviewer


This report lists, by vault, reviewers and their unapproved invoice aging from current to over 120 days. This includes a parameter where the user can set the report to display reviewer information when the total invoices outstanding for that reviewer exceed a specific amount. The dollar range number is adjustable. The age range columns can also be changed. Click the Reviewer column entry to access an Invoice Aging Details sub report that provides additional invoice details. Click the Docs link to access a list of related documents. Click the ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mhto view a copy of the image in the Document Viewer.


Use this report to see the invoice dollar amounts that reviewers have in their queues and the age of those unapproved invoices.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.



0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


Days Between Columns

This report will run for the aging frequency entered.


Age By Date

E = This report will display the aging by entry date.
I = This report will display the aging by invoice date.
A = This report will display the aging by assigned date.


Invoices Dated

This report will run for the invoice dollar amounts greater than the number entered.


Sort By

F = This report will be sorted by first name.
L = This report will be sorted by last name.


Enter Vendor

This report will run for the vendor number entered.


Minimum Dollar Amount

This report will run for the minimum dollar amount entered.


Maximum Dollar Amount

This report will run for the maximum dollar amount entered.


Reviewer Total Invoices

This report will run for the reviewer total invoice amounts greater than the number entered.



AP Unapproved Invoice List by Reviewer


This report can be set to display reviewer information when the total invoices outstanding for that reviewer are greater than a specific dollar amount.


Use this report to track reviewers and their invoices waiting for approval.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.



0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.


Invoices Dated <=

This report will run for the invoice dates less than or equal to the date entered.


Sort By

F = This report will be sorted by first name.
L = This report will be sorted by last name.


Show Invoice Notes

Y = This report will include notes.
N = This report will not include notes.


Page Break between Reviewer

Y = This report will include page breaks between reviewers.
N = This report will not include page breaks between reviewers.



AP Unapproved Invoice Listing


This report lists invoices for the current vault that have a due date before or equal to the current date. All the listed invoices are not approved and display in due date order. The report includes a cumulative total invoice dollar amount.


Use this report to view all invoices not exported based on parameter criteria.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Sort By

F = This report will be sorted by first name.
L = This report will be sorted by last name.



0 = This report will include all processors.
# = This report will include only those processors identified by the number entered.


Invoices Dated <=

This report will run for the invoice dates less than or equal to the date entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


Show Invoice Notes

Y = This report will include notes.
N = This report will not include notes.



AP Unattached Credit Card Receipts


This report lists credit card receipts indexed within the date parameters that are not attached to any invoice. Click the ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh icon to view a copy of the image in the Document Viewer.


Use this report to view unattached credit card receipts.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Beginning Index Date

This report will run for the beginning index date entered.


Ending Index Date

This report will run for the ending index date entered.



AP Unattached Field PO Report


This report lists field purchase orders indexed within the date parameters that are not attached to any invoice. Click the ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh icon to view a copy of the image in the Document Viewer.


Use this report to view unattached field purchase orders.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Beginning Index Date

This report will run for the beginning index date entered.


Ending Index Date

This report will run for the ending index date entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Job #

This report will run for the job number entered.



AP Unattached PO Report


This report lists purchase orders indexed within the date parameters that are not attached to any invoice. Click the ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh icon to view a copy of the image in the Document Viewer.


Use this report to view unattached purchase orders.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Beginning Index Date

This report will run for the beginning index date entered.


Ending Index Date

This report will run for the ending index date entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Job #

This report will run for the job number entered.



AP Unattached Receiving Tickets


This report lists receiving tickets indexed within the date parameters that are not attached to any invoice. Click the ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh icon to view a copy of the image in the Document Viewer.


Use this report to view unattached receiving tickets.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Vendor ID

This report will run for the vendor ID entered.


Job Number

This report will run for the job number entered.


Beginning Index Date

This report will run for the beginning index date entered.


Ending Index Date

This report will run for the ending index date entered.



APFlow™ Access Report By User


This report lists the Manage APFlow additional options settings for each user who has APFlow™ access as well as their assigned roles. It includes the Proxy users for each listed user.


Use this report to view the APFlow™ additional options settings for some or all users without having to go into Manage APFlow and view each user's settings individually.



Permissible Value

User ID

This report will run for the User ID number entered.


Vault #

This report will run for the vault number entered.


User Status

A = This report will display only active users.
I = This report will display only inactive users.
B = This report will display both active and inactive users.



APFlow™ Access Report By Vault


This report lists, by current vault, every user with APFlow™ access and identifies their assigned role.


Use this report to view APFlow™ access for all users within a vault without having to go into Manage APFlow and view each user's settings individually



Permissible Value

User ID

This report will run for the User ID number entered.


Vault #

This report will run for the vault number entered.


User Status

A = This report will display only active users.
I = This report will display only inactive users.
B = This report will display both active and inactive users.



APFlow™ Document Match Report


This report lists, per vault, invoices that are missing documents.


Use this report to identify those invoices that are missing documents based on coding. The approval process will not be impacted. This is for informational purposes only.



Permissible Value

Invoice ID

This report will run for the Invoice ID number entered. Click here for help on locating the ID of an invoice.


Vault Number

This report will run for the vault number entered.


Show Missing Documents Only

Y = This report will include only missing documents.
N = This report will not include only missing documents.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.



Application Audit Log


This report is based on the logging details in the AppServerErrorLog table over a specified date range.


Use this report to view audit details for a specific pVault® component or external module such as CDPlus, AutoBatch, Conversion Programs and Viewpoint or RFMS Plugins.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Application Name

This report will run for the application name entered.


Beginning Audit Date

This report will run for the beginning audit date entered.


Ending Audit Date

This report will run for the ending audit date entered.



Application Server Error Log


This report is based using the logging details in the AppServerErrorLog table, within a specific date range. The logging details consist of the stack traces.


Use this report to research application server errors.



Permissible Value

Beginning Date

This report will run for the beginning date entered.


Ending Date

This report will run for the ending date entered.



Approval Alert Invoices


This report lists those invoices, per vendor, with approval alerts. The report includes the due date and invoice total and identifies the assigned processor.


Use this report to review invoices with approval alerts.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Show Invoice Notes

Y = This report will include invoice notes.
N = This report will not include invoice notes.



0 = This report will include all processors.
# = This report will include only those processors identified by the number entered.



Batch Cover Sheet


This report lists batch statistics for a specific batch. When a batch is created, there is an option to print a batch cover sheet.


Use this report to print a batch cover sheet based on a batch number if the cover sheet was not printed at the time the batch was created.



Permissible Value

Batch ID

This report will run for the Batch ID number entered.



Batch History Report


This report lists, for the current vault, all the batches created within a specific date range. Information includes the number, the date and time created, the number of pages, the status, who created it and to whom it was assigned.
Click the batch number link to view details about that batch.


Use this report to research previous batches.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Beginning Batch Date

This report will run for the beginning batch date entered.


Ending Batch Date

This report will run for the ending batch date entered.



Checked Out Documents


This report lists, for the current vault, those documents that are checked out. Report details include the document description and ID, when the document was checked out (date and time), by whom, their client ID and IP Address.


Use this report to identify who has checked out a particular document.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.



Cloud Sync Service Event Log


This report can be run to view errors with the cloud sync service for a specific date range. This report uses the logging entries in the WebSynchEventLog table.


Use this report to research cloud sync service issues.



Permissible Value

Beginning Date

This report will run for the beginning date entered.


Ending Date

This report will run for the ending date entered.



Data Dictionary Report


This report lists tables and date type information.


Use this report as a reference document if you want to create custom reports based on existing SQL tables.



Permissible Value





Deleted Documents Report


This report lists all those document that were deleted within a specific date range. Click the document label link to access a sub report that includes a description of the deleted document, when it was deleted and by whom.


Use this report to research if a document was deleted and who deleted it.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Document Type

This report will run for the document type entered.



This report will run for the category entered.


Beginning Deletion Date

This report will run for the beginning deletion date entered.


Ending Deletion Date

This report will run for the ending deletion date entered.


Deleted By User

This report will run for the user entered.



Document Audit Log


This report tracks the activities performed against a specific document such as modifications, routing activities.


Use this report to identify what changes were made to a document or to its meta data.



Permissible Value

Document ID

This report will run for the Document ID number entered. Click here for help on locating the ID of a document.



Document Index Statistics


This report displays document indexing statistics by index date range, vault and user id. Filtering by user and vault is available.


Use this report to review the number of indexed documents within a certain time range, by a user and by vault.



Permissible Value

Beginning Index Date

This report will run for the beginning index date entered.


Ending Index Date

This report will run for the ending index date entered.


User ID

This report will run for the User ID number entered.


Vault Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.



Document Inventory Report


This report lists, for the current vault, the number of documents based on the document type.


Use this report to drill down for a list of documents with a specific document type.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Document Type

This report will run for the document type entered.



This report will run for the category entered.


Batch ID

This report will run for the batch ID number entered.


Beg Index Date

This report will run for the beginning index date entered.


Ending Index Date

This report will run for the ending index date entered.


Indexed By

This report will run for individual(s) who indexed documents.



Document Purge Listing


This report lists those documents in the current vault that are scheduled to be purged. Details include a description, index date and the purge date.


Use this report to identify those documents that are scheduled to be purged.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Document Type

This report will run for the document type entered.


Purge Date

This report will run for the purge date entered.



Document Routing Status Report


This report includes the overall status of the route, listing of recipients and the current status of the route per recipient. it also displays routing notes in the report details.


Use this report to determine how many routes are in use and drill down to identify which recipient is using which routes.



Permissible Value

DocRoute User ID

This report will run for the DocRoute User ID number entered.


Show Notes

Y = This report will include notes.
N = This report will not include notes.


Sender User ID

This report will run for the Sender User ID number entered.



Document Security Detail Report


This report lists, per vault, document security around a specific document type. Access by role details what can or cannot be done; specifically, indexing, adding pages, deleting pages, distributing, deleting snapshots and manage read-only. The members of each role are listed. This report is available for every document type.


Use this report to see what role has what access based on the document type.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Document Type

This report will run for the document type entered.



Document Type Detail Report


This report lists each document type and includes setup details such as the description, category and retention period as well as index details and security groups information, per vault.


Use this report to review document type setup details.



Permissible Value

Document Type

This report will run for the document type entered.


Show Index Information

Y = This report will include index information.
N = This report will not include index information.



This report will run for the category entered.



Do Not Pay Invoices


This report lists those invoices that were marked as "Do Not Pay". Per vendor, the report includes the invoice number, the date the invoice was placed on "Do Not Pay" status, the invoice due date, the date the invoice was entered in pVault® and the invoice total. Click ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh to view a copy of the image in the Document Viewer.


Use this report to review invoices with a "Do Not Pay" status.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Job #

This report will run for the Job number entered.


Show Invoice Notes

Y = This report will include invoice notes.
N = This report will not include invoice notes.



Due Date Expiration Report


This report lists those invoices, by vault and then by vendor, with due dates expiring by a specific date.


Use this report to identify those invoices with a due date set to expire on or before the specified date.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.



0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.


Due Date

This report will run for the due date entered.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.



Exported Invoices Report


This report lists, by vault and then by vendor, and by invoice date those invoices that were exported. The report identifies the processor, the invoice amounts including totals by vendor and a grand total.
Click ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh to view a copy of the image in the Document Viewer.


Use this report to view of list of those invoices that were exported by a specific date.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Only Show Invoices with No Payment

Y = This report will only include invoices with no payment.
N = This report will not only include invoices with no payment.


Beginning Accounting Date

This report will run for the beginning accounting date entered.


Ending Accounting Date

This report will run for the ending accounting date entered.


Beginning Vendor

This report will run for the beginning vendor entered.


Ending Vendor

This report will run for the ending vendor entered.


Beginning Job

This report will run for the beginning job entered.


Ending Job

This report will run for the ending job entered.



Invoice Detail Report


This report lists line and coding details for a specific invoice. This report includes a Document sub report for displaying matched documents. Click the document icon in the 2nd tier to access a copy of the image.
The Documents sub report displays matched documents on the report.


Use this report to view a specific invoice's line and coding details.



Permissible Value

Invoice ID

This report will run for the Invoice ID entered. Click here for help on locating the ID of an invoice.



Invoice Document Audit Log


This report shows the invoice - document activity. Use the invoice ID to search for the document.


Use this report to research for a document.



Permissible Value

Invoice ID

This report will run for the Invoice ID entered. Click here for help on locating the ID of an invoice.



Invoice History by GL Account


This report is for GL balance tracking, for a selected time period.


Use this report to track what was spent during the month. This will allow department heads the opportunity, before financials are sent out, to have more accurate budgets.



Permissible Value

Beginning Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.


Beginning GL Account

This report will run for the beginning general ledger account number entered.


Ending GL Account

This report will run for the ending general ledger account number entered.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.



Invoice History By Job


This report is for job tracking within a specific date range. This allows project managers to track what they have spent by job and by vendor.


Use this report to track job costs.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the vault ID number entered.



This report will run for the job number entered.



This report will run for the vendor entered.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


Show Coding

Y = This report will include coding.
N = This report will not include coding.


Invoice Status

0 = This report will include all invoice statuses.
# = This report will include only those invoice statuses identified by the number entered.


Beg Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.


Draw #

0 = This report will include all draw numbers.
# = This report will include only those draw numbers identified by the number entered.



Invoice Reviewer Stats


This report provides statistics on how long (longest-shortest-average) invoices are remaining in a pending status. The report can be filtered by Commitment Invoices, Non-Commitment Invoices or all.


Use this report to identify workflow bottlenecks.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


User ID

This report will run for the User ID number entered.


Starting Report Period

This report will run for the starting report period entered.


Ending Report Period

This report will run for the ending report period entered.



0 = This report will display all commitment and non-commitment invoices.
1 = This report will display only commitment invoices.

B = This report will display only non-commitment invoices.



Invoices Reset For Edit Report


This report allows a snapshot of invoices in Reset for Edit status on a specific date.


Use this report to identify those invoices in Reset for Edit status based on the parameter dates.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.


Beg Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.


Invoices in Reset Status On This Date

This report will run for the invoices in a reset status on the date entered.



Invoices With No Purchase Order Attachments


This report tracks invoices which do not have purchase order attachments.


Use this report to identify those invoices without purchase order attachments.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.


Beginning Entry Date

This report will run for the beginning entry date entered.


Ending Entry Date

This report will run for the ending entry date entered.


Beginning Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.


Processor ID

This report will run for the processor ID entered.


Vendor Number

This report will run for the Vendor number entered.


Group By

P = This report will display by processor group.
V = This report will display by vendor group.
blank = This report will not display by group.



Invoices With No Receiving Tickets


This report tracks invoices which do not have receiving ticket attachments.


Use this report to identify those invoices without receiving tickets.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.


Beginning Entry Date

This report will run for the beginning entry date entered.


Ending Entry Date

This report will run for the ending entry date entered.


Beginning Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.


Processor ID

This report will run for the processor ID entered.


Vendor Number

This report will run for the Vendor number entered.


Group By

P = This report will display by processor group.
V = This report will display by vendor group.
blank = This report will not display by group.



Proxy User Rights Audit Report


This report lists all proxy rights given to system users. Each system user is listed identifying for whom they have rights and whether notifications are in place.


Use this report to determine who has proxy rights.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.



A = This report will display for the APFlow™ application.
D = This report will display for the DocRoute application.
B = This report will display for both the APFlow™ and DocRoute applications.



Purged Document History


This report lists documents, by vault, that were purged within a specific date range. Details include a description of each purged document and who purged the document, and indicates the status of the document before it was purged.


Use this report to research purged documents.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Beginning Purge Date

This report will run for the beginning purge date entered.


Ending Purge Date

This report will run for the ending purge date entered.



Reviewer Invoice List


This report lists by reviewer and then by vendor invoices with invoice date, due date, discount date, invoice total and status details. This report also includes reviewer totals per invoice and a grand total for the reviewer. If the Show Notes parameter is marked accordingly, the invoice notes per invoice display.


Use this report to view a list of invoices by reviewer.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Reviewer ID

0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.



This report will run for the job number entered.


Show Notes

Y = This report will include notes.
N = This report will not include notes.



Routing Rule Setup Report


This report lists, by vault, all the routing rules that are set up, what the rule is, identifies the reviewers and indicates when the routing rule was last used.


Use this report to check routing rules to see if they are being used.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.



0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.



Routing Rule Setup Report By Job


This report lists all jobs, per vault and then per routing rule group, detailing each job's routing rule setup. This report can be filtered down to specific reviewers.


Use this report to check routing rule setup by reviewer or by job, to make sure invoices are being routed appropriately.



Permissible Value

Vault Number

This report will run for the Vault number entered.


Reviewer ID

0 = This report will include all reviewers.
# = This report will include only those reviewers identified by the number entered.


Beginning Job

This report will run for the beginning job entered.


Ending Job

This report will run for the ending job entered.



System Audit Report


This report lists audit details on administration changes with details on changes; specifically, who did what and when.


Use this report to track changes made to the administrative configuration (Security Groups, Document Types) through the Administration screen.
Check out old value vs. new value and determine what was done, when it was done and by whom.



Permissible Value

Enter Begin Date

This report will run for the beginning date entered.


Enter End Date

This report will run for the ending date entered.


User ID

0 = This report will include all users.
# = This report will include only those users identified by the number entered.



Top Vendor Report


This report lists the top 50 vendors, per vault and then by invoice total dollar amount. Each vendor in the list displays with the number of invoice and the number of invoice line details.


Use this report to identify your top 50 vendors.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Top X Number

This report will run for the number of vendors entered.


Report By

D = This report will display in dollars.
N = This report will display in the number of invoices.


Beginning Invoice Date

This report will run for the beginning invoice date entered.


Ending Invoice Date

This report will run for the ending invoice date entered.



User Activity Audit Log


This report lists every time a user logs in and logs out of pVault® within a specific date range. It also includes identifying what a user does, what documents are opened, etc.


Use this report to see what user activity within the system.



Permissible Value

User ID

0 = This report will include all users.
# = This report will include only those users identified by the number entered.


Beginning Audit Date

This report will run for the beginning audit date entered.


Ending Audit Date

This report will run for the ending audit date entered.



User Login Audit Log Report


This report lists system login detail for a specified report period. The report details the number of times the user logged in to pVault®. Drill down to view login time stamp and machine.


Use this report to determine when a user logs into the system and on what machine.



Permissible Value

Beginning Date

This report will run for the beginning date entered.


Ending Date

This report will run for the ending date entered.


User ID

0 = This report will include all users.
# = This report will include only those users identified by the number entered.



User Queue Inventory


This report lists, per current vault, user queues and the number of documents within each queue. Click the Batch # link to access a sub report that provides detail of each document within that user's queue. Click ReportsscreenAdministrationtabReportImageicon-mh to view a copy of the image in the Document Viewer.


Use this report to review how many documents users are holding in their queues.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.


Queue ID

This report will run for the Queue ID number entered.



User Setup Detail Report


This report lists, by user, how each system user is set up. This report uses information entered in the User Properties window (Administration | Users), all tabs.


Use this report to review how users are set up without having to access Administration in the ribbon toolbar and look at each user individually.



Permissible Value

Active Only

Y = This report will only include active users.
N = This report will not only include active users.


Show Details

Y = This report will include details.
N = This report will not include details.


pVault® User ID

0 = This report will include all pVault® users.
# = This report will include only those pVault® users identified by the number entered.



Vault Detail Report


This report displays, by current vault, the information that was entered in the Vault Properties window (Administration). This report displays the vault logo, if one exists.


Use this report to review vault setup without having to access Administration in the ribbon toolbar and look at each vault individually.



Permissible Value

Vault ID

This report will run for the Vault ID number entered.