Yes/No Questions

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Yes/No Questions


1.Click the Yes/No tab to create a Yes/No (either/or) style question.

2. Type the question in the text field.

3.If this question can be skipped by the user completing the form, click the check box: Give the user the option to say this question is not applicable




4.Selecting an Index type is optional. To save the answer to a document index, click the Select Index type… field and select from a list of index types.




5.Type the Yes and No labels that will display as optional answers on the form.
Note that a Yes/No type of question is not limited to Yes or No. For example, these labels can also be On or Off, In or Out, Good or Bad.


Note:  As the label name is typed, it automatically displays in the Options section.


6.In the Options section, additional attributes for the Yes or No responses can be set:

Click the star icon eFormsQuestionStarButton to set the label to display as a default answer.

Click the flag icon eFormsQuestionFlagButton to flag the answer and indicate a level of importance.
Clicking the flag icon opens the Set Flag screen. Select a flag level and then click Set to set a flag. Click Cancel to cancel without setting a flag.



7.To create a conditional question that will be triggered based on the user’s response, click on the answer and then click +Add.


8.In the Add Conditional Question screen, click the tab for the type of question to use and enter the question criteria.

9.To request more information related to this question, click +Add to open the Add Additional Information screen.

10.Enter the new question criteria.
