Status After Importing

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Status After Importing


The Import Invoices dialog box includes a Status After Importing option. The available choices below the Status After Importing are different, based on selected status.



Incomplete status after importing



Run Routing Rules (Status Will be Pending Where Applicable)
If this option is selected, Routing Rules will occur systematically and the status will change to Pending.

Require All Lines Have Matched Receipts
If this option is selected, every line must have a matched receipt.
If this option is selected, then the following option (Allow Lines with Multiple Matched Receipts) can also be selected.

Allow Lines with Multiple Matched Receipts
If this option is selected, lines may have multiple matched receipts
This option may only be selected if Require All Lines Have Matched Receipts was selected.
Selecting this option is not required.


Approved status after importing



Run Routing Rules (Status Will Be Pending Where Applicable)
This option is not available with this status.

Require All Lines Have Matched Receipts
If this option is selected, every line must have a matched receipt.
If this option is selected, then the following option (Allow Lines with Multiple Matched Receipts) can also be selected.

Allow Lines with Multiple Matched Receipts
If this option is selected, lines may have multiple matched receipts
This option may only be selected if Require All Lines Have Matched Receipts was selected.
Selecting this option is not required.


Exported status after importing



Run Routing Rules (Status Will Be Pending Where Applicable)
This option is not available with this status.

Require All Lines Have Matched Receipts
If this option is selected, every line must have a matched receipt.
If this option is selected, then the following option (Allow Lines with Multiple Matched Receipts) can also be selected.

Allow Lines with Multiple Matched Receipts
If this option is selected, lines may have multiple matched receipts
This option may only be selected if Require All Lines Have Matched Receipts was selected.
Selecting this option is not required.