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Navigation: Administration > Vaults > Bridge Tab

Bridged Accounting System Cache

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Administrators can set up caching on a per vault basis. This is the temporary holding of bridged account system data on the pVault® application server.

When working in pVault® and needing to reference data tables in the bridged accounting system, having the data cached and temporarily held on the pVault® application server can speed up data retrieval.


Employee Lookups - Display SSN
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For details on these functions that are housed on the Advanced Bridge Configuration window, click the specific accounting bridge settings:

Abila MIP Fund
Linc Laser


MS Dynamics GP
Sage 100 Contractor
Sage 100 (MAS 90)
Sage 300 CRE

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1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Administration.

2.Click Vaults, VaultsButton.
A Vaults dialog box similar to the following:

3.Click to select the vault, if necessary.

4.Click Edit Vault.
A Vault Properties window similar to the following displays:

5.Click Bridge.
A window similar to the following displays:

6.Click Advanced.
The Advanced Bridge Configuration dialog box displays:

7.In the Value column for the Cache Lifetime, type a length of time that the data is held in the pVault® application if the data is not actively being accessed.
Select from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 480 minutes (8 hours). The default is set to 15 minutes.
Note: Each time the data is actively accessed, the timer systematically resets.

8.In the Value column for the Cache Refresh, type a length of time from the last time the data being temporarily stored is refreshed. This allows the data to always be current.
Select from a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 60 minutes. The default is set to 5 minutes.

9.Click OK.





Cache Lifetime


If an invalid entry is typed in the Cache Lifetime field, Value column, the following warning dialog box displays:


Click OK to close the dialog box.


Cache Refresh


If an invalid entry is typed in the Cache Refresh field, Value column, the following warning dialog box displays:


Click OK to close the dialog box.



Version 2024.01.36 3/11/2025
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