In all three views (In Route, Inbox and Recalled) there is a CREATE button, , to create a new route.
1.To create a new route, click CREATE.
The page similar to the following displays:
2.In the Subject grid, enter text similar to a traditional email subject line.
3.In the Note grid, enter pertinent information.
4.In the Additional Options grid, click to select one or more of the following:
Return to me when completed (checked by default)
For Approval
Note: If DocuSign is selected, the columns in the Recipients grid change, removing the Due Date and Allow Document Add columns and adding an Is Signer column.
For more information concerning the DocuSign process, click here.
5.In the Recipients grid, perform the following tasks:
Click to select each recipient.
Click the Due Date field to access a calendar.
Click within the calendar to select a date that will systematically populate that field.
In the Sequence column, use the arrows to determine in what order each recipient should receive the document or manually change the number that displays in the field.
Click to select Allow Document Add if the recipient may add documents to the route.
6.In the Documents grid, click in the grid to access files to upload or drag and drop files.
If a file is brought in, the Documents grid resembles the following:
7.Click the pencil icon, , to add an index for the file.
Click the trashcan icon, , to delete the file.
8. If the icon is clicked to add an index for the newly uploaded file, a dialog box similar to the following displays:
Note: The Document Type will display the last document type selected.
9. Use the dropdown to select a different document type if applicable.
10. Enter information in the Index fields.
These fields will differ, depending on the selected document type.
11. Click ADD.
The Document Indexes grid will include all Index fields and will resemble the following:
12. Click .
The newly created route will display in the In Route view, at the top of the list.