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Navigation: APFlow™ Module > Payment Manager

Getting Started Using the Payment Module

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Who (has access)
Users will need to be granted access to the Payment Manager role in Manage APFlow™. In addition, users will need to be granted bank account access through the Bank Account button in Manage APFlow™.

What (can you do)
Review invoices and their associated documents.
Run compliance checks--including Greenlight CM™.
Implement an approval process using the different statuses.
Mark the payment as paid to indicate the check is signed or the EFT transaction was submitted.
Select multiple payments. Turn around and print, email or save those documents associated with the invoices..

Where (to go)
APFlow™ toolbar, Manage APFlow™, Bank Account
APFlow™ toolbar, Payment Manager

When (are payments visible)
After you complete your check run or generate your EFT transactions, you can come review your payments in the Payments tab.
Prior to generating checks, you can review invoices marked for payment or included in a check batch under the Invoices tab, depending upon this integration being supported by your accounting system.

How (does it work)
Note that payment data is loaded into pVault® using the Payment Retrieval Job Poll job.

Why (use Payment Manager)
"Last Chance" peace of mind.
Review payments before you send them out.
Double check that supporting document is in place.
Verify compliance requirements are met.



Version 2024.01.36 3/11/2025
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