APFlow™ Mailer Job Setup

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APFlow™ Mailer Job Setup

The APFlow™ Mailer job poll job sends an email notification to every APFlow™ reviewer with a summary of the unapproved invoices currently in their Approve Invoices inbox.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Administration.

2.Click Job Poll, JobPollButton.
The Job Poll Configuration screen similar to the following displays:

3.Click Add.
The Job Properties screen similar to the following displays:


Job Name

Give the job a meaningful name.

Job Type

Select APFlow™ Mailer from the Job Type dropdown list.


Enter a description for the job.


Click the Active check box to mark the job as Active.

Important: If the Active check box is not selected, the job will not run.


Determine how often the job should run. (every minute, hour, week, month, year)

Schedule Job to run

Depending on the schedule type, choose when the job should run.

Beginning/ Ending

Set a beginning date and an ending date to run the job.

Email on Success

Check this box and enter an email address where an email will be sent if the job is successful.

Email on Failure

Check this box and enter an email address where an email will be sent if the job fails.

SMTP Batch Size

Set the number of messages that will be sent to the SMTP server at a time. The default is 10.
For this mailer to work, the SMTP server settings must be configured. (Refer to SMTP Configuration)

Message Override

The job poll job runs a SQL stored procedure to gather the data, format the messages, and send them to the SMTP server. The name of the default stored procedure is dbo.sp_Message_Invoices.
If knowledgeable about modifying SQL stored procedures, make a copy of this default stored procedure and modify it as necessary.
If there is a modified stored procedure, type the name  in this field so it will run instead of the default procedure.

Send as HTML

Select True to send email notifications in HTML format.
Select False to send email notification in Plain Text format.

From Email

Enter the email address from which the email notifications are sent.

Important:  The user name set up in the SMTP settings must have rights to send emails as the user name entered here.


4.Click OK to save the job.

5.On the Sage Paperless Construction Server Dashboard, click the Poll Service tab and make sure the Job Poll Service is installed and running.
Note:  If the Job Poll Service is not running, the job will not run.

