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You are here:  Greenlight Compliance Manager™ > Vendor/Subcontractor Level >


When the Greenlight Portal Access Codes Job Poll job runs, it will generate emails similar to the following:




1.In the email, click the link indicated by the Click Here.
The email is sent to a previously identified vendor contact.

2.In the User Info field, enter your user name.
Note:  This is not a required field.

3.In the New Password field, enter a new password for accessing the Greenlight portal.

4.Enter that same password in the Confirm Password field.

The following screen displays:

6.In the Username field, enter the user name that you entered in the previous window or your email address. This is the email address where you received the original portal registration email.

7.In the Password field, enter the password you created in the previous window.

8.Click SIGN IN.
Note:  The screen that displays is based on what you have access to--insurance, lien waivers or both.
The following screen displays:
This is the main screen and what is visible to you on this screen depends on your role.


Click here for screen layout details.