Routing Externally Outside APFlow™

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Routing Externally Outside APFlow™


Prerequisite: The company must have purchased the DocRoute™ module.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click DocRoute™.

2.Click Quick Route, QuickRouteButton.
The Document Route Configuration dialog box displays:

3.Click the green plus, GreenPlusSign-mh, to access the Add Recipients dialog box.
The Add Recipients dialog box similar to the following displays:

4.Use the Find field to locate a recipient in the Users/Groups.

5.If appropriate to add an external user, click Add Email, AddEmailbutton-mh.
The following Add External User dialog box displays:

6.Enter the appropriate information for the external user in the Email field, First field and Last field.

7.Click OK.

8.Click Route, Routebutton-mh.