Sage 300 CRE Bridge Settings

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Sage 300 CRE Bridge Settings

The vault "bridge" connects the Sage Paperless Construction system to a single Sage 300 data folder. The bridge provides all of the data look-ups and exporting features needed to run the Sage Paperless Construction system. A vault can only be bridged to one data folder. To bridge multiple data folders to Sage Paperless Construction, additional vault license codes must be purchased.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Administration.

2.Click Vaults, Vaultsicon-mh.
The Vaults window similar to the following displays:

3.Click to highlight Sage 300 CRE.

4.Click Edit Vault.
The Vault Properties window displays with the General tab active:

5.Click the Bridge tab.
The following window displays:

6.In the Bridge Type field, verify that Construction displays.
Note: Construction is the Bridge Type field default.


7.In the Bridge Product field, from the dropdown select Sage 300CRE.

8.In the Data Folder field, click Browseicon-mh (browse) to search and select the data folder for the Sage 300 CRE company.
Important:  Make sure to include the company name folder in the path selection.


9.Click Login Info.
The User Login window displays:


10. In the User Name field, enter a Sage 300 CRE user name for an individual with full rights to the Sage 300 CRE database.
Note: This will be the central "behind the scenes" user to access all information for data look-up as well as posting transactions back to the Sage database. Entering a user without full rights will cause errors in some areas of the program.


11. In the Password field, type the password of the Sage 300 CRE user entered in the User Name field.

12. Click to check the Use as Server Default check box. This saves the user name and password for use by Sage Paperless Construction to access data.

13. Click OK to verify the connection information and save it.
The following dialog box should display to confirm the Bridge tab is now active:


14. Click OK.

15. Click Add Bridge to add the company name to the Bridged Company field.

16. Click Use Sage 300 CRE Job Routing Rules.
This is a special setting for the APFlow™ module that ties AP Approval IDs assigned to jobs in Sage 300 CRE for routing rule purposes. Clicking this check box directs the Sage Paperless Construction system to look at the job record to map the job, AP Approval ID, to the route of the invoice. This mapping occurs in conjunction with the routing rules set up directly in the APFlow™ module.
Note:  Leave it unchecked to run the APFlow™ rules only.


17. Click Advanced.
The Advanced Bridge Configuration window displays.
Note:  This grid contains settings that impact the vault data behavior.

18. For information on the Bridged Accounting System Cache, click here.

19. In the Employee Lookups - Display SSN Value, use the dropdown.
This advanced configuration determines whether or not an employee look-up should display the employee's Social Security number.
Company privacy rules determine how this feature should be set up.
True means Social Security numbers will display during an employee look-up.
False means Social Security numbers will not display during an employee look-up. This is the default.


20. Use the dropdown in the Value field to select True, if applicable.

21. In the Value column for the Enable DAL Logging, select between False and True.
False is the default for performance reasons.
Change the Value to True when troubleshooting data issues onsite and working a support call with a Paperless Environments employee.

22. Click OK.
The Advanced Bridge Configuration window closes and the Bridge tab becomes active.


23.Click Settings.
The Sage 300 CRE Control Settings window displays:


24. Click Retrieve to retrieve the settings from the Sage 300 CRE database.

25. Click Finish to save the retrieved settings.
The Sage 300 CRE Control Settings window closes and the Bridge tab becomes active.


26. Click Additional DSN, if applicable.
This screen contains special Sage Paperless Construction APFlow™ connection settings for the PO/IV and SM modules. (Refer to Sage 300 CRE Settings)


27. Click Save.


For information on the Sage 300 SQL Replicator, click here.