DocRoute™ Route Recipient

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DocRoute™ Route Recipient

You may receive notification (system alert, email, text message) that you are DocRoute™ route recipient. You can use the Document Routing Inbox to navigate through the process. When you receive a document routed to you, you are being asked by the sender to review, comment, approve that document. Instead of sending it through inter-office mail or in an email, this document can be reviewed and approved without ever having to leave the Sage Paperless Construction system.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click DocRoute™.

2.Click Document Routing, DocumentRoutingicon-mh.
The Document Routing Inbox similar to the following displays to the right of the DocRoute™ screen:
Note:  The document that was included in the route selected in the Document Routing Inbox will display in the pane on the left.

3.In the tabs below the document pane, click to open the Notes tab.
Any information provided by the document routing sender, in this case Morgan Carlisle, will display here.
The other three tabs provide General Information (Document), Index specific information (Indexes) Image Information (Image).

4.Your Document Routing - Inbox (sidebar) is where you will look for who sent you what to review and when.


The toolbar icons initiate actions on the document routed to you.



Click to open the Document Route Configuration window.
This will create an entirely new route system allowing the document to be routed to another person.
Note:  This route is separate from the original route the document followed.



The Approve icon displays with the following dialog box:


Click in the Add Notes text box to provide information to the sender.

Click Approve.



Click to send a message to just the sender or to every individual tasked with reviewing (and approving) the document.
Check the box next to the name of user(s) to identify who should receive a message.
If all listed individuals should see your reply, click Check All.




Click to refresh your DocRoute™ Inbox.



Click to open the Document Routing Settings window.
Refer to Settings for details.


Selected Routing Queue

This field dropdown allows your queue to be selected, or others provided the proper proxy rights are in place.


A folder tree displays in the left pane and tells you the numbers of document routes you have in which statuses.


This folder contains all the incoming documents that are routed to you.


This folder contains all the documents that you released.

Sent Items

If you initiate DocRoute™ items to other recipients, these will display in your Sent Items. This is where you can view the progress of those DocRoute™ items.

In Route

This sub-folder contains all the documents currently waiting to be released by other users. These are DocRoute™ items still in route, still pending someone's review and/or approval.


This sub-folder contains all the documents that have gone through their full route.


This sub-folder contains all DocRoute™ items that you initiated and routed to recipients then later recalled the route.


In the right pane is a grid listing the documents located in the folder selected in the folder tree (left pane).



Document Binder Options


This is where the documents attached to a specific DocRoute™ item display. If there is more than one document attached, each document will be listed.

As you move your cursor from one document to the next, the active document will display in the left portion of the screen.



Attach a previously indexed document to the DocRoute™ item.


Attach a document not yet indexed from the file system to the DocRoute™ item.


Print the selected documents.


Email the selected documents.


View notes for the selected documents.