eInvoice™ Review

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eInvoice™ Review

eInvoice™ Review is where Reviewers can view and approve the invoices assigned to them by Processors while they are away from the office. eInvoice™ Review provides the flexibility to code invoice lines, as permissions allow, from virtually anywhere.


For details on setting up a web user for eInvoice™ Review, click here.


Important:  A license is required.


1.In the browser window, type: portal.sagepaperless.com
The Sage Paperless Construction portal login window displays:

2.In the Username field, enter a web user name.

3.In the Password field, enter the associated password.

4.Click SIGN IN.
If logging in for the first time, the portal window similar to the following will display:
Note:  If logging in after the first time, the portal window will remember where the web user was, and return to that window.