Browse Screen Results Options

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Browse Screen Results Options

Preview a document

Hover the mouse over a result line to display a preview of the document.

Use the Preview Size slider bar to set the size of the preview.


View a document

Click to highlight the document and double click on the document to view the image.


selectall24Select All

Click to select all of the documents displaying in the Results panel.


unselectall24Unselect All

Click to remove check marks from all documents.



Click to route the document through the DocRoute™ module.

For details on the Quick Route process, click here.



Click to display the selected document in the Main Viewer window.

For details on the pVault® Main Viewer window, click here.

The Doc Info Tray displays below the selected document. Click here for details on Doc Info Tray functionality.



Click to access the Multi-Indexing Control Screen.
This screen allows indexes to be changed, added, or removed on multiple documents.
The Action column controls which action will be taken on the target document selected on the Search screen.



Click to display a read-only version of the APFlow™ Invoice Entry screen. (optional APFlow™ module)



Click to email the selected document.

For details on emailing documents, click here.



Click to send the selected documents to the printer.

For details on printing documents, click here.



Click to move to the Transfer Image screen.

For details on transferring documents, click here.



Click to save the selected file(s) to an external file.

For details on saving documents to file, click here.



Click to display general information on the creation of the batch that the document is in, including batch information and the indexes.

For details on viewing document information, click here.



Click to generate a report of the search results.

For details on generating reports, click here.



Click to exit the pVault® Search Utility screen.



Click to clear all entered search criteria.

All settings will be cleared.