From Invoice to Invoice

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From Invoice to Invoice


To move transaction lines from one invoice to an existing invoice.


1.Click to highlight an In Progress Invoice, CreditCardImporterNewInvoiceInvoicetoInvoicefrom-mh.
The Transfer Lines To icon will resemble the following:

2.In the line grid, highlight to select the line(s) to transfer.

3.From the invoice dropdown, CreditCardImporterInvoicedropdown-mh , which displays immediately below the Transfer Lines To icon, select the In Progress Invoice where the transaction line should move.
In this example, click to highlight Invoice 9127.
Note:  If <Unassigned> is selected, the transaction line(s) will move back to the Unassigned Transactions grid.
The Transfer Lines To icon will resemble the following:

4.Click Transfer Lines To.
The highlighted lines have now been transferred from one invoice to another.