From Unassigned to New Invoices

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You are here:  APFlow™ Module > Invoice Entry > Credit Card Importer  > Credit Card Importer Main Screen > Transferring Lines >

From Unassigned to New Invoices


For details on selecting unassigned transactions, click here.




1.Once unassigned transaction lines are selected, click the Transfer Lines To icon.
An In Progress Invoice is created similar to the following:


2.Click the New Invoice icon.
The Credit Card Importer main screen with the invoice-specific information similar to the following displays:
If appropriate, click the Transfer Lines To icon, CreditCardImporterTransferLinesTobackiconnew-mh, to return the selected transaction(s) back to the unassigned transactions grid.
This screen is set up to mirror the Invoice Entry screen functionality.
Note:  Refer to Invoice Entry for functionality details.



If invoice lines do not match transaction amounts from the statement file, they will display in red. Typically this is a result of systematic rounding. Make any necessary adjustments.