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You are here:  Greenlight Compliance Manager™ > Company Level >



You can get an overview of the Vendors and your own Company's compliance status by referencing the Company Dashboard. The Compliance dashboards use dynamic hyperlinks that allow users to quickly click on the non-compliant vendors and the module will redirect them to that Vendor's Record level.



1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Greenlight.

2.Click Greenlight, Greenlighticon-mh
The main screen displays with the Dashboard tab active:

3.Click the Additional Dashboards dropdown list:



Read about the Expiring Continuing Education dashboard and specifics. Click here.

Read about the Email Activity Last 72 Hours dashboard and specifics. Click here.

Read about the Expiring Vendor Insurance Certificates dashboard and specifics. Click here.

Read about the Expiring Licenses dashboard and specifics. Click here.

Read about the Out of Compliance dashboard and specifics. Click here.

Read about the Awaiting Approval dashboard and specifics. Click here.