Job Roles

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Job Roles


Greenlight CM™ uses strict security procedures to protect data and determines what a user can perform in the module. When you add a contact to Greenlight CM™, you must assign a contact role. Contact roles can be assigned to Company contacts, Job contracts and Vendor contacts. Email templates use contact roles to determine which contact to include in the email. Because security measures are in place, any time a new job is added to Greenlight CM™, administrators need to assign security rights to the users to allow them to generate and track waivers.



The Job Roles determines what the user can access on the job level.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Greenlight.

2.Click Manage Greenlight, GreenlightManageGreenlighticon-mh.
The main screen displays with the General tab active:

3.Click the Job Roles tab.
The following screen displays:


4.Click the Add, GreenlightAddbutton-mh.
The Add New Job Role dialog box displays:

5.Enter the name of the role and make sure the associated Active box is checked, then click Save, GreenlightSavebutton-mh.
Once a Job Role is created, you will need to assign Tasks for the role.



Assigning Tasks


Once a Job Role is created, Tasks must be assigned for the role. Tasks determine what a user in a specific role can access in the system and what tasks the user has permission to perform.


Note:  When you click on any task in the Tasks grid, you can learn more about that task in the Information window located below the Tasks grid.

For example, click to select Job Vendors - Edit Insurance. The Information window displays the following:


1.Click on the Role Name.

2.Click on a task that displays in the Tasks grid.

3.Click in the associated Allow column to grant permissions to perform that task for the selected role.

4.Continue scrolling through the tasks and clicking to select those that are appropriate for the selected Job Role.

5.Click the Select All,GreenlightSelectAllbutton-mh, if the role should be granted permissions for all the tasks that display.
Note:  If you want to remove all tasks for the selected role, click Unselect All, GreenlightUnselectAllbutton-mh.


6.Once you have selected the desired tasks for the company role, click OK.
After the tasks are assigned to the new role, you will need to have this new role assigned.


7.Click the General tab.
The following screen displays:

8.Click to highlight a user.

9.In the user's Default Job Role, assign the newly created role.

10.Click OK.