Automatic Archiving

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Automatic Archiving

pVault® has a job poll service that will perform an “automatic” archive function on the server every night. Job Poll Jobs


Documents scheduled for archiving are listed on the Document Archive screen.


1.From the ribbon toolbar, click Administration.

2.Click the Documents dropdown, Documentsicon-mh.

3.Click Document Archive.
The Document Archive window similar to the following displays:
The Document Archive window includes tabs that list Pending documents that are scheduled to be archived during the next archive job run.
When a document listed in the left pane is clicked, that document displays in the window to the right.



the direction of the archive



indicates that the job will move the document from production to archive



indicates that the job will move the document from an archived state back to production
(Refer to Moving Archived Documents back to Production)



the description of the archived document


Document Type

the document type of the archived document



the name of the pVault® user who indexed the document


Index date

the original index date of the document


Archive date

the calculated archive date based upon the document type settings



opens the selected document in the main pVault® Viewer window


While on the Document Archive window, administrators can manually add additional documents to the job as an addendum by clicking the New Addendum tab.  (Refer to Manual Archiving)