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pVault® Help

The Home tab is the first tab on the ribbon toolbar. It contains various user options.


A field similar to the following identifies the active vault:




Vaults are storage areas that may be bridged, or connected to, different account systems. If more than one vault is accessible by the user's login id, those vaults will be listed in the field dropdown.


PAP - pVault Cloud - Secondary Icon - Save - Grayscale


Click to save changes made to the file currently viewed in the pVault® Viewer window.


PAP - pVault Cloud - Top Nav Icon - Notifications - Color


Click to display the Document Alerts window.

Go here to set up General Alerts.

Refer to Document Alerts for information on setting up or revising document alerts.


pVault - Secondary Icons - Close - Grayscale


Click to close the currently opened document.


Home Tab - My Paperless - 48x48 - Light Version

My Paperless

Click to display the My Paperless Environment dashboard.

Refer to My Paperless Environments Page.


Home Tab - User Settings - 48x48 - Light Version

User Settings

Click to display the User Settings window.

Go here to look or change basic user information such as user Email, Phone Number and the Number for Texts is housed. This is also where to change the user's pVault® password.

Refer to Changing the Password. Refer to User Settings.


Home Tab - Community - 48x48 -Light Version


Click this icon to access the Knowledge Base or to Submit a Ticket. Community.

Access is per vault; not per user. This means either all pVault® users in a company have access or no one in the company has access. The Administrator decides whether or not to grant access to this feature.  For setup instructions, click here.


Home Tab - Exit - 48x48 - Light Version


Click to exit the pVault® system.



Version 2024.01.36 1/30/2025
© 2025 Paperless Environments, LLC or its affiliates ("Paperless") or its licensors.  All trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.  Use of non-Paperless trademarks is not an endorsement of any person or product.