Setup Checklist

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Setup Checklist

Note: The associated links provide more information about the topic and/or detailed set-up instructions.


1.Sage Paperless Construction Application Server Dashboard
The Sage Paperless Construction system depends on the Sage Paperless Construction Application Service running on the local server where the Sage Paperless Construction files were installed. The Sage Paperless Construction Application Server Dashboard is the mechanism for starting and stopping services as well as performing updates on the Sage Paperless Construction System. SPC Application Server

2.Vault(s) Setup
A Vault is the highest organization level of documents and users in Sage Paperless Construction. When documents are indexed, they are associated with a Vault. Set up the General tab on the Vault Properties screen first. Return later to complete the remaining vault setup steps. Vaults

3.Users Setup
All Sage Paperless Construction users are set up with access to search and view documents stored in Sage Paperless Construction. Users can be assigned to Security Groups. This determines additional security rights and permissions when indexing and distributing documents in Sage Paperless Construction. Users

4.Document Types and Index Types Setup
Document Types such as invoices, time sheets and purchase orders are the foundation of Sage Paperless Construction. Document Types
Index Types such as job number, customer number and effective dates are the key pieces of information associated with Document Types and are used to search for, and link to, individual documents. Index Types
Note:  Although Sage Paperless Construction is installed with many predefined document types, not all of them may be applicable. To "clean up" the list of documents available on the Search screen, uncheck the Active flag on those document types not currently being used. They can always be marked Active later if appropriate.

5.Security Groups Setup
Security Groups represent departments and other operating units of the company that process documents such as Accounts Payable, Payroll and Purchasing. Security Groups are used to determine what document types are associated with a company, which users are allowed to work with those documents and what permissions the users will have with those documents (i.e., indexing, distributing, etc.). Creating Vault Security Groups

6.APFlow™ Module Setup (optional)
This Accounts Payable Workflow module (APFlow™), if purchased, includes identifying the bridge, which is the connection between Sage Paperless Construction and the accounting system. Additional steps must be completed. APFlow™ Module

7.Web Modules Setup (optional)
Web modules, if purchased, include eCapture™, ePortal™ and eForms™. Special Web Security Groups must be set up. Additional steps must be completed. eCapture™ ePortal™ eForms™ eDocRoute eDocuments eInvoice Review

8.DocRoute™ Module Setup (optional)
This Document Routing Workflow module (DocRoute™), if purchased, includes additional steps that must be completed. Document Routing